Chapter 1- A 'normal' day

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Today was just going to be another normal day. That's what you expected of course. You thought that today would be like any other day in Ouran High School. You were most certainly, wrong.
You were a normal 'rich' girl at Ouran. You had (H/L) (H/C) hair that shined in the sunshine , (E/C) eyes that sparkled, and soft (S/T) skin. You didn't think you were that attractive. But, you were certainly prettier than some other girls at Ouran. The ones that covered their faces in makeup until it was hard to smile. Almost every time you passed a female in Ouran High School, you heard them gossip about boys from a Host Club.
You could care less what other girls talked about. You just wanted good grades.
You sat in math class, tapping your pencil lightly on the desk, bored out of your mind learning things you already knew. You turned your head around and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. You were about half way through class, thankfully.
You turned back to your desk and noticed, two boys staring at you, identical twins.
They had orange hair and brown eyes, they were whispering to each other while staring at you. When they caught you looking at them they both turned slightly pink and turned their heads to their desks.
The teacher continued to ramble on. Finally you heard a loud 'ding', signaling  class was over. You picked up your belongings and walked out of the classroom.
While you were heading to your locker you felt two hands touch your shoulder.
You spun around shocked thinking 'who would be wanting to talk right now?'.
It was the twins.
You gulped and put on a fake smile.
"Hello (Y/N)," the twins said in unison.
"Hello..." You said, eying them curiously.
"We were wondering when you'd like to come over to work on the math project, we were all assigned to work on together," they smirked.
"Oh.. I uh.. Any time I guess would be okay..." You were awfully confused. You were dozing off during math but you would of noticed if the teacher said your name, you looked at the twins worriedly.
"Perfect," they said in unison. "What's your phone number, we would like to know your address so we know where to pick you up."
"(Random phone number)"
"Alright, see you later," one of the twins began walking away and the other one brushed his fingers down your lips and winked. You were shocked.
---Time skip---
It was the end of the day now. You were ready to leave school, with your bag around your shoulder. You played on your phone while walking back to your mansion.
You arrived in front of the door and opened it. A butler welcomed you home and you thanked him. You walked up to your room. Stepping up every stair and then opening the door to your room, shutting, and locking it behind you. You plopped onto your bed and continued checking your phone until you saw a message popped up on the top of your screen with a random number.
You opened the text and read "Hi this is Kaoru, what's your address?" You responded with your address and he warned you that he and his brother were on their way.
You threw the phone aside and changed out of the yellow dress uniform and put on a more cozy outfit. It was a pale blue sweater with black leggings and flat shoes, simple but cute.
You heard a 'ding' signaling you had received a text. You picked up the phone and read,
"We're outside." A text from Kaoru.
You left your bedroom, walked downstairs, and told your butler you had to work on a project with some friends from school. The butler nodded and you opened and closed the door. Standing out front were the twins. You walked over to them.
"Hello," they said in unison. "We never got a good chance to introduce ourselves."
"My name is Hikaru," one twin said. "And my name is Kaoru," the other twin said.
"Hello, Hikaru and Kaoru," you said cheerfully. "Did you guys walk here?" You asked confused
"Yes," they both said.
You nodded slowly and they began walking, you were walking in between both of them. Hikaru and Kaoru were both wearing sleeveless shirts. Hikaru had a blue sleeveless shirt, and Kaoru had a red sleeveless shirt on. That would make it easier to tell them apart, you thought.
"Hey (Y/N)," Hikaru asked.
"Y-yes," you studdered.
Hikaru's face turned a bit pink, "there is no math project."
You stopped walking and looked at them confused, but they both took one of your hands.
"We just wanted to get to know you better," they both said, smirking.
You wanted to yell at them but stopped yourself. They were extremely handsome and kind of sweet. You thought it would be good to make some new friends. You smiled and nodded, not saying anything.
Hikaru and Kaoru still held onto your hands while you walked back to their place.

Their Little Toy <Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru>Where stories live. Discover now