Dick Grayson x reader part 3

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As you stepped into the precinct you were bombarded with comments.
How are you Y/n?
All ok?
Are you sure you should be back this early?

You were sick of their sympathy. All you wanted was to get back to work and  leave as quickly as possible to avoid spending time with 'Nightwing'. You were still confused and incredibly angry with him.

You were silent as you slumped into your seat on the squad car. Dick was already waiting for you in the drivers seat. You looked out of the window and waited for Dick to start driving, which he didn't. You looked over at him and he was staring at you, but something was different. His bright azure eyes seemed to have lost their spark, and his usual grin was missing from his face.

"What is it Grayson?" You asked coldly.
"I...I wanted to apologise."
"Too late. " you folded your arms and looked out of the window again.
"Please Y/n, just hear me out" he said.

You sighed heavily and faced him again.

"I couldn't tell you before. I didn't want you getting hurt. All I have to say is... I'm sorry. It was my fault that you got shot the other night. I wasn't fast enough, I should have been there. "

He continued ranting as your eyes widened. You realised he was...broken. He was feeling so guilty and you couldn't see it before.

You face immediately softened. Dick was still going on about how sorry he was. You slowly leaned forwards and your lips collided with his. At first he was taken back but slowly started kissing you back, until the need for oxygen pulled you apart.

"No, I'm sorry Dick. I never got chance to tell you but... Thank you. For saving my life. "

He smiled as you suddenly got a message over the radio.
"Squad #684 bank robbery in process on the corner of Jackson and Church street. Any available units respond."

You and Dick shared a look before he slammed his foot on the accelerator and sped in the direction of the crime.

You may not be the bravest cop in the city, but you sure felt like if when Dick was by your side.

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