Batman x child!reader

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Gordon flicked on the batsignal and looked up into the night, waiting for the caped crusader to arrive.

"Gordon. What's the problem?" A monotone voice came from behind him.

Gordon swung around to face batman. They had been working together for almost 7 years and batman could still sneak up on him.

"Batman. We've had a tip of an abusive home in the abandoned parts of Gotham. The mother is Katrina Marksoff. " he said.

"I've delt with Katrina before. I had no idea she had a child. I'll go and investigate." Batman mumbled as he pulled out his grappling hook and jumped of the building, heading to downtown Gotham.

He already knew where Katrina's building was. It was an old abandoned apartment building, taller than most buildings around it. Batman climbed up a fire escape on the side of the building and entered the apartment through a window.

It was dark in the apartment so he pulled a torch out of his utility belt, shining it around the room.

It was a single apartment; one bed, one bathroom, a small sitting area and a kitchen. The wallpaper peeled off the walls and the floor creaked as he walked. He began to search through the apartment until he herd a small noise.

He quickly pulled out a batarang on instinct. The noise was coming from the bathroom. He cautiously opened the door, and his stomach dropped.

On the floor in the bathroom was a small child with Y/HC laying unconscious on the floor. She looked about 12 or so. Her hands were tied and she was soaking wet from head to toe. She was only wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, both of which were far too big.

As batman stepped closer he could see her skin was covered in scars and bruises. Some looked like they had come from cigarette burns, and other looked like knifes.

Using the batarang he carefully cut her hands free, and he noted her wrists were covered in cuts and scars too. She was very thin and her bones were visible through her Y/Sc skin. He carefully picked her up and carried her outside, where Gordon and some of the GCPD were outside.

"Katrina is gone. Her daughter needs medical attention. " he said to Gordon.

A medic came and led batman to an ambulance where they got to work on saving her life.

"Did you find anything?" Gordon asked as he came up behind batman as they watched the medics work on the girl.
"Definite evidence of neglect, abuse and possible torture. Katrina is long gone. " he answered.
"She has no remaining family. She will need to go to a foster home. " Gordon said sadly as the doors to the ambulance were closed and it drove off.

"I'll ask a friend of mine to take her. " batman answered.

Gordon was shocked. He had never seen batman be this caring or compassionate. He guessed he had a soft spot for kids.

"Who is this friend?" He questioned.

"Bruce Wayne. "

A/n- I might do a part 2 for this. Like and comment if you would like to see that. Also since the last a/n we have 100 reader. Ho-ly-shit.
That's crazy.

Thank you all so much!

Please keep likin and commenting and I will keep writing!


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