Dick Grayson x reader

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You sighed as you hauled yourself out of your bed at mount Justice. You were alone at the mountain; everyone else was on a mission but you had been benched as you had a broken wrist. You could still fight but Batman had forced you to stay behind. Not wanting to fight with the big bad bat, you had a nap and had just woken up.

You lazily walked out of your room (still in your pyjamas) and made your way to the kitchen to get a snack.

As you shuffled down the corridors, you heard a slight noise. You stopped. You listened carefully, and discovered the noise was coming from a nearby storage closet.

You pulled out Y/W (which you always kept on you) and stepped closer to the door. You hesitantly placed your hand on the handle and pushed it open.

It was completely pitch black in the room. When you opened it the noise became clearer. You realised it was....


You fumbled around and eventually found a light switch, and the dim orange light flickered to life.

Curled up in a ball on the floor was Robin. He was clutching an old photograph and crying uncontrollably underneath his dark sunglasses.

"Rob?" You asked quietly. He looked at you with fearful eyes, before he turned back in on himself and continued bawling into his knees.

You slowly approached him and sat next to him. He had seen you cry many times and he had always stayed with you. It was only right to do the same for him.

"I-I'm s-sorry Y-Yn..." He spluttered out.
"Shhhhhh. It's fine Rob. " You replied, putting your arm around him and rubbing his shoulder.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked.

He paused and hesitated slightly, before pushing the photos into your hands. It looked special to him, so you took extra care with it.

It was a picture with a man and a woman, and a small boy all in circus leotards. They all had big smiles on their faces.

"M-my parents. I-it's been t-two years since t-they..." He collapsed into tears again and buried his head into your shoulder.

"Oh Robin. I know how you feel..." He looks up at you.
"Yeah. I lost mine when I was 7. Killed by a mob boss who wanted to use my dads business to ship weapons. The only reason they didn't kill me is because YM/N found me before they had the chance."

He looks at you. You couldn't quite see what he was thinking because of his glasses, but it looked like he was thinking.

"Dick." He said.

"Excuse me?!" You snapped as he stared at him.

"No! I mean- it's- my name is Dick! Well Richard to be specific but-"

"Wait, Dick Grayson? And your parents were..." You trailed off as he removed his glasses revealing tear stained blue eyes.

"Thank you Y/n. For being there. "

"You welcome Rob- Dick. Come on, let's get some food." You smiled as you stood up and pulled Dick up with you.

Needless to say being benched from the mission was probably one of the best things that had ever happened to you.

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