Batfam x child!reader part 3

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A/n: part threeeeeeee I'm soooooo sorry it took so long.

Y/n had been at the manor for 2 months now and was settling in. She had met her brothers and she trusted them a little now, and was beginning to speak a little more to them.

She first met Dick when Bruce had to go to Wayne enterprises and had no one to look after her.


"Come on Dick. It's just for a few hours. "

"But I've never met her!"


"Ugh. Fine. But you owe me. " Dick mumbled.

"Good. I'll introduce you two and then I have to go. " Bruce said.

Bruce led Dick to a room that he had never been to before, and after knocking entered.

"Y/n, there's someone I would like you to meet. He's going to look after you while I'm gone. " he said.

Dick entered the room to see a girl sitting on the floor playing cards by herself. Dim stepped forwards an crouched down so he was level with her.

"Hi. My names Dick. What's yours?" He asked gently.
"...Y/n" she said quietly, placing another card down.

Dick looked back to Bruce, who simply nodded and left to go to Wayne enterprises.

Dick sat watching he play cards for a moment.
"What are you playing?" He asked.

"A game I made. You have to match the numbers up to win. " she said, placing down another card.

"Do you know any other games?" He asked.

She shook her head.

"I could show you some. We could play them together. "

She thought for a moment the nodded.

Time skip

When Bruce arrived home he heard noises from upstairs. He cautiously made his way upstairs and the noises were coming from Y/n's room.

"No! That's not fair!"
"It is! 2 7's together means I win!"
"But you've won 4 times in a row!"

Bruce opened the door to see Y/n and Dick sitting on the floor playing cards. Y/n had a big smile on her face and Dick looked annoyed.

"How's it going?" Bruce asked.

"I beat Dick again!" Y/n said happily.

Bruce smiled as he watched his son and daughter play happily together, knowing they would be OK if they had each other.

End flashback

She met the rest of the boys and got on with them well.
Dick was her favourite brother, Jason was like a cool uncle and Tim was teaching her how to read and write properly, as she never went to school. Damian had taught her some self defence, against Bruce's orders.

She had discovered the batcave and found out her families secrets, but had agreed with Bruce that she didn't want to be a vigilante.

It was a regular Sunday morning at the manor- Dick and Damian were training in the cave, Tim was doing his homework and Jason was working on a case for the outlaws. Bruce was sorting out something for a different case and Alfred as usual was cleaning the manor.

Y/n was in her room play cards when she heard a noise from her window. She looked over to see a woman on the room scraping at her window, trying to get inside.

Y/n screamed and bolted out of her room and down the stairs, and face first into Jason.

"Woah, what's up kid?" He asked putting his hands on her shoulders.

She was panting and couldn't string a sentence together, she could only point towards her room. Jason looked up to see a woman race out of Y/n's room, before her eyes landed in her.

Jason pulled Y/n behind him and produced a gun from his jacket.
"Y/n. Go to the cave." He said quietly to her.

She nodded and ran off to Bruce's study, before quickly flipping the head off the gold bust on his desk and pressing the button inside and slipping into the batcave.

She ran down the stairs and down into the main area of the cave, where her father was analysing something on the batcomputer in his batsuit. She ran over to him, and grabbed onto his cape.

"B-Bruce there's- there's my-" she couldn't put a sentence together due to her being out of breath and there were now tears falling down her face.

Bruce was about to say something when suddenly Jason was thrown down the stairs in front of the two. He was bloody and beaten, and Y/n gasped and hid behind her fathers leg.

"Who are you?" He asked sternly.
"I'm here to take my daughter." She said. By this point Dick and Damian had come over in their uniforms, and Tim was at the top of the stairs.

"Leave this place. She is no daughter of yours. " Damian said, gripping his katana.

"Very well. Prepare to die. " she said as she started firing at the boys. Bruce pushed Y/n towards Robin where he pulled his cape around her and led her to a different part of the cave. She hid under a desk.

"Stay out of sight. " he said as he left to fight.

After a couple of minutes and more gunshots, Y/n heard someone outside her hiding spot. She looked up to see her mother standing in front of her. Her hair was messy and she had a few cuts and bruises, and had bits of blood on her.

She grabbed Y/n's arms and pulled her from her spot. She screamed a her mother pulled her away from her home.

"NO! I won't go!" She yelled. Her mother ignored her and continued to drag her out of the cave. She called for her brothers but they never came for her, as her mother dragged her back to her 'home'.

When they got outside get mother threw her into her car and disappeared back to the abandoned parts of Gotham. 

Woooooop yeah who wants part4?

Also in having 2 teeth taken out tomorrow. Pray for me im gonna cry.

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