Batfam x reader

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"BOYS! Get down here!" Bruce hollered up the stairs as he pulled his jacket on.

Dick ran down first and flipped off the last 2 steps in front of Bruce and Alfred. Jason slouched in from the kitchen with a sandwich hanging out his mouth. Tim slid down the banister of the stairs while Damian calmly walked behind him.

"What is it father?" Damian asked.
"Get ready. We're going out. " Bruce answered.
"Where?" Dick asked.
"In afraid that's a secret master Dick. " Alfred answered.

Jason looked around and noticed the absence of the youngest bat-kid.

"Hey, where's Y/nn?" He asked.

"She will be meeting us there" Bruce said.

"Ok fine. Let's go. " Tim sighed as they all walked out of the door and to the car.

Time skip-

Alfred drove the boys to what looked like a music club in Gotham. There were some tables set out an there was a small stage in one side of the room, as well as a bar on the other side.

A soon as they entered Jason went straight to the bar and got a drink before joining the rest of his family the table. Other people were siting at different tables, waiting for the show to begin.

The lights dimmed as the curtains rose.

"Where's Y/n? The shows starting!" Dick hissed.

Bruce didn't answer, he only looked at the stage. A girl came onto the stage and was met with thunderous applause. Her face was covered in a shadow, but the boys could see she had a guitar in her hand.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next up and coming star, Y/n L/n!

A spotlight illuminated the stage as the Waynes could see their little sister on stage. She smiled at the crowd and strummed out her first chord. She was playing Y/Fc, which the boys knew was your favourite song.

They all watched in awe as you sung your song perfectly, with your guitar being your music.

"Who knew Y/n could sing?" Tim asked
The boys all shook their heads. They were too immersed in her singing to give an answer.

After she had finished her song all o the boys stood up and cheered for her, along with everyone else in the club. She smiled and continued with the rest of her set.

The boys were quiet the whole time listening to their sister singing with pride.

When she finished she thanked her audience and walked off stage. Bruce and the boys immediately got up and went to find Y/n , but she had already left.

"Do you know where Y/n went?" Bruce asked the bartender.
"After every how she always goes down to Gotham orphanage. You'll find her there" she said.

Bruce thanked her an they all went to the orphanage.

When they arrived they looked through the window of the building, to see Y/n playing her guitar to a group of children who were sat on the floor listening to her sing.

After a while the boys entered the orphanage they could see Y/n talking and playing with some children. She got up and said goodbye to the kids, before walking over to the head of the orphanage.

Bruce recognised her from when he first adopted Y/n.
"Here you go Mrs. Reece-Jones! There should be enough for the kids school bus this week. " Y/n said as she handed over a pile of cash.

" Y/n, you earned this money from the music club. Are you-"
"Yes. Keep it. These kids need it more than I do. And besides, you helped me find a great home and I love my family. Think of this as a thank you." She said.
Mrs. Reece-Jones hugged her and Y/n smiled. She said goodbye to her and walked outside, finally noticing her family.

"Guys! What are you doing here?!" She asked.
"We came to watch you sing Y/nn!" Dick answered.
"How come you never told us?" Tim asked.
"Because I wanted to help people on my own. You guy help people every night, and I just wanted to help without dying. " she laughed.

"Well I am pleased miss Y/n. As we all are. "Alfred said.

"Thanks Alf. Anyway, I'm hungry. Can we get some food?" She asked.

"Yeah. Let's head home." Bruce said as he smiled at his children as they all headed to car and back to the manor, where they spent the rest of the night listening to Y/n singing any song they wanted.

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