Batboys x younger sister

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"I'm back." You mumbled as you closed the front door behind you. You sighed tiredly and dropped your bag on the floor, before sliding down the door and sitting on the floor.

You put your head in your hands and closed your eyes. You had woken up this morning with a pounding headache that hadn't disappeared all day, and now your throat was hurting and your nose was running. Trying to suppress sneezing and coughing in the middle of school was a nightmare.

"Y/n? You ok?" You heard a faraway voice say, yet it sounded like they were shouting in your ear hole.

"Ugggghhhh..." Your groaned as you ran you fingers through your hair.

"Y/nn?" The voice got closer and louder.

You moaned again as you felt a hand in your shoulder.
"Y/n, it's Dick, can you hear me?" The voice said. 

Suddenly a wave of nausea washed over you. You needed a toilet. Now.

You tried to stand but you couldn't feel your legs anymore, and you collapsed down onto the floor.

"Y/n? Y/n?! JAY, GET ALFRED!" Dick yelled as his voice faded further and further away until you couldn't hear him anymore. You couldn't feel anything.

It was all just nothing.

Dick's POV

"So what happened?"
"I don't know man, she just came back from school and when I went into the hallway she was sitting on the floor holding her head and groaning. Then she tried to stand up and passed out. "
Dick explained as he and Tim walked into the living room.

"Will she be okay?" Tin asked as they both looked over at Y/n. She was still asleep, laying on the sofa with a blanket around her.

"Yeah, she just needs to sleep. You notice how late she stayed up the last week?" Dick asked.

"Well, she wasn't asleep when I went to bed so I'd say she didn't sleep at all. " Tim replied.

The boys continued to talk until Dick shushed Tim mid-sentence.

"Did you hear that?" Dick asked.
"What, you cutting me off while I was talking? Yes, I did."
"No you idiot! Listen!" Dick hissed as they both went quiet.

"Do... Do you know da wae..."

The pair both turned to her, but she was still asleep.

"Is she..."

"Yep. Not again. I barely survived the deez nuts phase. "

Th next morning

Bruce sighed as he poured his morning coffee, and sat down at the table and read the morning paper.

Shortly after a large crash was heard from upstairs. He rubbed his eyes and rose from the table and made his way to the large stairs to see what the problem was.

When he got to the stairs he stopped at looked up to see you running around upstairs being chased by Jason and Tim while screaming "DONT TASE ME BRO!"

"Y/N? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" He yelled up the stairs.

"IMMA FIRING MA LASER" you yelled back as you shot finger guns at your brothers before slamming into a doorway and falling backwards into Tim's arms.

"Is she ok?" Bruce asked as Jason picked you up in his arms.

"I think so... Just a bloody nose. But she's sick again."

Bruce sighed heavily." Ok. I'll get Alfred."


"Y/nn.... You feeling any better? Tim asked as he and Damian entered the batcave. Damian placed his hand on your forehead, which was a lot cooler than it was the night before.

Alfred had made it clear to everyone that you were to stay in the batcave, no matter what the circumstances. He had even threatened to stop making biscuits if they disobeyed.

Even Bruce didn't want to take that chance.

"I have something to say..." You mumbled.

"What is it L/n?" Damian asked.

"We are number one."



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