Jason Todd x reader

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bookfangirl62442 thanks for the request! LETS DO THIS SHIT

(There will be swearing ahead be warned)

You shuffled around on the couch, trying to find a comfortable position to lie in where you could watch the tv. As you eventually got comfortable you felt a small jolt from your stomach.

"Jason! Come here!" You shouted across the apartment.

Jason came dashing over, his face slightly pale. He was in his red hood kit with his helmet under his arm.

"What? Is it time to-" he started but you giggled and gestured him to come over. He did so immediately, dropping his helmet on the floor.

"No, silly. Here, feel this." You said as he sat down on the floor next to the couch and you placed your hand on top of his, guiding it to the spot where you felt the kick.

As if on cue the baby kicked at your stomach, and a broad smile spread across Jason's face.

He rested his head gently on your stomach, sighing and closing his eyes. "I can't wait until it's here." He said quietly.

"Me neither. I can't wait to get my £20 off you when it's a girl." You laughed.

"No way baby. I know it's gonna be a boy. That £20 will be mine and you know it." He replied, kissing your belly.

He stood up, holding your hand.

"Are you sure you'll be okay if I go out?" He asked seriously.

"I'll be fine Jason. Go." You smiled as he kissed your hand before retrieving his helmet and sparing you one last glance before hopping out the window and into the night.

You do know there is a perfectly good door over there that you could go trough instead of the window?

You thought to yourself as you got up and closed said window and the door, before preparing to head to bed.

The whole time you got a weird feeling someone was watching you, but just brushed it off as nothing as you jumped into bed, and again tried to find a comfortable position.

You were woken up later by the sound of smashing glass. You looked over at your alarm clock and saw it was about 2:30. Jason should be home in an hour or so.

You closed your eyes, just assuming the sound was from a neighbour or something.

The next thing you knew a rag was placed over your mouth and nose by someone. Your eyes flew open, but you could only see an outline of a guy in a ski mask before your eyes closed at their own will.

Jason's pov

Jason slipped into the apartment at about 4 in the morning. It had been an especially long night, and he wanted noting more than to cuddle up with his girlfriend until the sun rose.

Unfortunately, life had other plans.

As Jason approaches the apartment he could see a smashed window on his floor of the building. A pang of worry shot through his chest, but he refused to acknowledge anything was wrong, until he saw that the smashed window was the one to his living room.

He pulled out one of his guns and carefully slid in through the broken window, and there was broken glass all over the floor. The apartment itself didn't look that damaged, but the door to your room was open.

Jason tensed. You always slept with the door closed.

He kept his gun close as he slowly pushed open the door, to see the room had been torn up. There was a broken lamp on the floor, the bed had been moved, bedsheets and pillows were littered around the room and the photo Jason kept on his nightstand of him and you had been smashed.

Batfam one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora