Dick Grayson x reader Part 2

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You were in hospital for 4 weeks. 4 weeks of doing nothing but thinking about what a coward you were. The chief had visited you a couple of times, updating you on recent events in the police force.

You were allowed home after being warned about not going back to work anytime soon. So you stayed in your apartment. For a week.
2 weeks.
3 weeks.
A month.

You couldn't face leaving the house. Blüdhaven wasn't safe anymore. How could you call yourself the protector of this city. Hell, you couldn't even save yourself from a simple street thug! Nightwing was the once who saved you ass that night, and no one even knows his name!

It was late at night again. You could hardly sleep anymore, and whenever you did fall asleep you always had nightmares about that creep. They had caught him, but it didn't help.

Then you heard something that almost made you pass out. The doorbell.

"W-who is it?" Your voice cracked as it was the first time you'd spoken in a month.
"It's Dick. I mean- Officer Grayson. "

You opened the door and Dick was on the other side. He was still in his officers uniform. He must've only just got off his shift. Even though it was close to midnight and he's probably been on the go since 5 on the morning his blue eyes still sparkled and he still radiated confidence and charm.

"I came to check on you. I-I didn't hear anything from you. I was worried. We all were."

"It's ok Dick. I'm fine. Thanks for coming by." You said in a quiet voice.

"Come on Y/n. We both know that's not true."

You couldn't take it anymore. You broke down sobbing in a pile on the floor. Dick knelt down and wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm a cop for gods sake! Why was I so scared?" You cried as Dick shushed you and stroked your hair.

"Hey, it's ok. That's guys in prison now."
"But there are others like him!"
"And we can catch them together."
This made you feel a little better, but not for long.

"Except I didn't even get him. Nightwing did!" You sobbed again, burying you face into his neck.

"But you did kick him in his manhood. That was pretty brave."

"Wait...how do you know I did that?" You asked, sniffing.
"I-ummm..." Dick went red as he spluttered, trying to find an answer.

"Are you Nightwing?"
He stayed silent, his eyes fixed on the carpet in front of him.
Your jaw dropped.
"ITS YOU! Your the one flying around the city at night making all the arrests!"

"Look Y/n, I-"
"No, you look! I have been busting my ass for 5 years to get where I am now, and all you have to do is jump around the city at night in tights and everyone knows your name!"

"No Dick. Or Nightwing. God, I don't even know what to call you anymore! Just go. Go!"
You yelled as Dick sheepishly stood up and silently left your apartment. You sat there for at least a further hour in shock.

How could he not tell you?

Eventually you picked yourself up off the floor and dragged yourself to your room.

You couldn't sleep that night, but not because of nightmares, but because you couldn't stop thinking about Dick being Nightwing. In a weird way it made sense. But in others it didn't.

Eventually you got to sleep, but you had nightmares about Nightwing not being there. You made a decision.

Go back to work and arrest more criminals than Nightwing. That'll show that smug bastard.

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