Dick Grayson x reader

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You sat alone in a cafe in east Gotham, waiting for him to arrive. You and Dick had been friends for around 4 years, ever since he helped you with a bullying problem in elementary school. You usually met for coffee in this small cafe every so often to catch up with eachother.

You looked at your phone for the hundredth time, hoping to see a text or a call from him explaining his lateness. You decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait for him for 5 minutes.

Which turned into 10 minutes.

Then 20.

At the 30 minute mark you finally accepted that he had ditched you. Again. He was always doing that to you.
You sighed and slapped some money down on the table before leaving.

You stormed down the street and headed towards home alone.

You quickly realised this was a bad idea as you had to walk through some pretty shady place to get home. Usually Dick would walk you back, but as he was 'unavailable' you had to make the journey yourself.

You could see you apartment in sight when suddenly a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you into an alley. A guy pinned you against the wall. He reeked of alcohol.
"Come on, let's have some fun baby" he slurred out.

You do the only thing you could think of. You screamed as loud as you could, hoping batman or robin would be nearby.

"Shut it!" He yelled at you and slapped you in the face.

A tear slipped down your face as he put his hand on your chest and started to unbutton your shirt. You closed your eyes and waited.

Suddenly you heard a yell down the alleyway and the guy was pulled off you. You collapsed onto the floor, breathing heavily. You looked up to see Robin beating the life out of the guy.

Robins movements were so swift and graceful you could barely see what he was doing. Before you knew it the guy was laying on the floor, unconscious.

Robin made his way over to you.
"Are you crazy? What are you doing out here alone?"he snapped as he pulled you off the floor. You gripped onto his arm as you wobbled around slightly.

"What where you thinking?" He yelled.

"I-I... My friend ditched me and-and" you tried to speak but couldn't form a sentence.

Robin was silent as he thought for a second.
"Hang on. " he said.
"W-what do you..."
Before you could finish he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled out his grappling hook, before shooting it to the top of a nearby building and pulling you up with him.

You buried your face in his shoulder as the wind whipped around your hair. You kept your eyes closed until your feet touched the ground again.

You opened your eyes and you were on a rooftop high above Gotham. Robin was standing in front of you.

"I need to tell you something. Something... Big. " he said.
"O-ok. " you stuttered.

He stepped away from you and reached up to his mask. You gasped as he peeled it off, revealing the deep blue eyes of your best friend.

"Dick?!" You yelled.
"Shhhhhh!" He hissed as he put his hand over your mouth.

You pulled his hand off and glared at him. "You're Robin?! Why didn't you tell me?" You asked.

"I didn't want anyone to hurt you. I have enemies that would hurt you to get to me. I... I don't want you to be in the position. "

"And, I'm sorry I ditched you today. I guess you know why..." He said as he looked at the floor.

You stood silently, processing what he had told you.

"Y/n, please. Say something. " he said desperately.

You stayed silent and walked over to him, and simply wrapped your arms around him.

"Thank you Dick. You saved my life." You said.

He pulled you close to him as he felt some wetness on his shoulder as you cried.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I promise I will protect you forever. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. " he said.

You smile as you stayed in his arms in the roof. You finally understood his constant lateness but you still loved him.

Dick Grayson.Your saviour.Your Robin.

COOLIO another one down!

Also can you tell I'm obsessed with Dick Grayson. HES SOOOOO CUTE I CANT

(And he had the best ass in DC)

Anyway I'll stop before I embarrass myself further. Keep liking and commenting, it means a lot!


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