Red hood x reader

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WARNING-Mentions of and implications of rape and other sensitive issues. You have been warned.

Also language warning. It's Jason, what do you expect?

"Not a chance in hell!"

"Come on Y/n, we need to nail this guy! You're the only one who can get close enough to steal the flash drive!"

"No way am I flirting with some random mob boss for information!" You screamed at Jason.

"Please Y/n?" He gave you puppy dog eyes.

"Fiiiinnnneeeee. But you owe me a massive pizza" you scowled at him.

"Ok. But I want a pepperoni to myself. You always steal mine. "He said.

"Deal. "

Time skip-

You and Jason entered the club where the mob boss was hiding. You had received Intel that Jonathan Hunter was supplying a new drug throughout Gotham, and it was up to you and Red Hood to stop him.

You entered the club with Jason in his Red Hood outfit, minus the helmet. You wore a short black dress that hugged your body, and large black heels.
"Ready Y/nn?" He asked you as you made your way to the back of the club, next to a large pair of doors that lead to the office when Hunter was.

You only grunted in response, still being angry with him.
"Just remember, I'll be right outside."
"Sure. Whatever. " you said as you sashayed into the room.

Time skip (also Jason's PoV)

Y/n had been in that sleaze bags office for a while now. I was beginning to get worried. She wasn't sleeping with him was she? She wouldn't. I wouldn't be able to handle it if she did. I hated putting her up to this mission, but I had no choice.

I watched all the other drunk guys and girls in the club when I suddenly heard a weird noise coming from inside the office. I listened carefully and my face paled when I realised what was going on.

I ran to the bathroom and pulled my helmet out of my bag and put it on, and pulled out my favourite handgun and charged back into the club. I kicked the door to the office down and shot a few goons who were counting money.

I followed the source of the noise and it lead me to another room near the back. I braced myself and then kicked the door in.

In the room Y/n was laying on the floor, her hands tied to a pole above her. She was gagged and her ankles were tied together as well. Hunter was sitting on the floor next to her with his hands on her legs, as he pulled up her dress slightly to expose the lower half of her body.

"NO!!!" I yelled as I tackled Hunter and started to punch him in the face.
"YOU BASTARD!FUCKING SICK PERVERT!" I screamed as him as I felt his nose break under my fist.

I kept punching him until he lost consciousness. I then pulled a knife out of my boot and cut the ropes around Y/n. I pulled her close to me as she cried on my shoulder, squeezing me tightly.

"It's ok Y/n, I'm here. Your safe. " I whispered in her ear as we sat together on the floor.

The club was silent as everyone had evacuated when they heard gunshots.

I looked down at Y/n. She had cried off most of her make up and her hair was a little messed up, but she looked OK. Just a little shaken.

"Come on. Let's go home" I said as I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the building. She sniffed occasionally as we reached my motorbike. I drove and she clung onto my waist tightly.

I was afraid she would cut of the flow of blood to my lower half but I didn't have the heart to tell her to let go. Not after what I'd just put her through.

We arrived back at my apartment and Y/n was still silent. I was worried now. She was never quiet for this long. She sat on the sofa and I sat next to her, turning to face her.

"Listen Y/n, I'm so sorry. I should never have put you up to that. I should have listened to you. I..." I looked into her eyes as she stared at the floor.

"Are you ok Y/n? Please, talk to me" I said as I put my hands on her shoulder.

"Mission successful" she said with a weak smile as she pulled the flash drive out of her bra.

I smiled and hugged her, smelling her familiar perfume.
"Y/n I..."
"I forgive you Jay-bird. Just don't make me do that again. "
"Never Y/nn. I'll never let anyone touch you again. " I said sternly as she rested her head in my shoulder.

After a while she had fallen asleep leaning on me. I smiled and kissed her forehead.
"I love you princess. "
"Love you too..." She mumbled.

"You still owe me a pizza"

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