Batfam x reader

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Thank you all so much, every comment makes my day 🥰🥰

Loosely based off a true story.

"Just what the hell were you thinking? You could have been killed." Bruce lectured Damian as Dick carried your unconscious body, laying you down on the medical bench as Alfred got his supplies.

"We has it under control." Damian growled. Alfred places an oxygen mask over your face and looked in your eyes with a torch, immediately getting to work.

"What part did you have under control?  The drugs that are now on a boat leaving Gotham? Or was it the penguin, who you let get away?"

Damian scowled and looked at his feet.

"We'll talk about this later." Bruce murmured as he turned on his heel and jumped into the bat mobile before speeding off.

Dick watched as Alfred helped you, Damian standing next to him. "You'd better pray to god she's ok. He's gonna kill you if she's not."

The next day

You groaned as you slowly cracked open your eyes, your head pounding. You looked around for a second before you recognised where you where. You sat up slowly and swung your legs over the side of the bed, and attempted to stand up. You stood up and immediately fell back down onto the bed.

Your head was spinning. "Y/n, are you okay?" You heard Jason's voice.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine." You answered, forcing yourself to stand.
"You sure? That was quite a whack. Plus, it wasn't your first time having a head injury like that. you might want to take it slow."

"I said I'm okay." You hissed, making your way upstairs.

A week later

Tim was sitting in his room, trying to do some schoolwork before patrol. He was casually flicking through a textbook when he heard a thud from the next room, followed by weird noises.

Tim dropped the pen he was fiddling with and made his way over the the next room. Your room. He knocked.
"Y/n? You okay?"

He got no reply, only weird gurgling noises.

Confused, he opened the door to find you laying on the floor, your body shaking. Your eyes were closed and beneath your lids your eyes were racing from side to side. Weird choking noises were coming out of your mouth.

"Oh my god, Y/N?" Tim yelled as he dropped to the floor next to you, shaking your shoulder. "ALFRED! ALFRED! Y/N NEEDS HELP!" He shouted.

He looked at you in desperation as he saw a thin trail of blood run down the side of your mouth.

Alfred raced in, kneeling down next to Tim.

"Call an ambulance master Tim."

An hour later

"So what happened to me?" You asked. You were sat in a hospital bed, various sticky pads stuck to your chest. You were now wearing a hospital gown, and had a weird device stuck in back of your hand.

"You had a seizure Y/n." Bruce answered solemnly.
"So why does my tongue hurt?"
"You bit it." Jason said.
"So I'm okay?"
"For now, yes. But you could have another any time."
"So what happens now?"
"Well then took and ECG, and that's all normal. They said they'd give you a brain scan in the next week, but we have to think about the possibility that it might be epilepsy."

You sat quietly.

"So... I'd have to give up... you know. The night job?"

"Maybe. But there is always medication. It's not the end yet." Dick said as he side-hugged you.

"It's okay Y/n. Well get through this."

So that was kind of heavy but explains my absence a little. FYI I'm fine, this is for a friend.

Thank you all for your kindness. I'll be back soon I promise. 😘


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