Tim Drake x reader

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Bio- reader is a tech wizard who helps batman and robin from the batcave. (Nicknamed guardian.)

Tim and Bruce were currently suiting up as batman and robin while you were sat in front of the batcomputer. Tonight was probably one of the biggest missions you had ever faced.

The plan was for you to hack into Gothams power grid and cut off Riddlers supply of power to his lair. You had found out that he was planning to rob the main bank in Gotham when nightwing apprehended penguin last week, and you were going to get ahead of him.

Tim came over to you in his Robin suit, minus his mask. "Everything ready Y/NN? " he asked, leaning on the back of your chair.
"Yeah... Just making the final checks..." You mumbled as you typed absentmindedly. "How about you? Utility belt full and all that crap?" You asked him.
"Ha... First lesson batman taught me"
"I know ,I know. Always keep your utility belt full and never leave the house without it. "

"Robin! Time to go" batman said in his usual monotone voice as he started the batmobile. Tim turned to go, but you grabbed his arm. He turned to look at you, slightly confused. "Be safe, ok Tim? Oh, and you may need this" you said as you placed his mask over his eyes.
"Thanks y/n. Love you" he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek as he ran over and did a backflip into the batmobile. You smiled. Dick has defiantly taught him that.

Time skip to the mission-

You easily hacked the security cameras so you had the best view of batman and robin kicking butt. The mission started relatively easy- only a few firewalls and security systems to bypass, no biggie.

But then the real fun began. Your eyes flicked between the footage of batman and robin taking out goons and the security defences. You eventually found the file that controlled all of the systems at the lair.

Let's see...
Door locks- open.
Motion sensors-on


Batman didn't tell me anything about motion sensors!they're walking into a trap!
I tapped my communicator I my ear. "Batman!Robin! There are motion sensors online- it's a trap! Get out of there!"
"Alright Admiral Ackbar, we'll be careful " Tim replied.
"NO! You don't get it! The sensors are linked to..."
There was a large hiss on Tim and Bruce's end of the comm. in the lair a portion of the wall slid away to reveal a weapon- a large gun with lots of flashing lights.

Goons came at them left and right. You did the only thing you could think of. " NIGHTVISION, NOW!" You shouted as you switched off the lights. Since you now couldn't see, you had to trust that Bruce and Tim would get the job done.
"Hope I didn't miss the party!" You heard another voice on the comm channel.


"Hey, discowing, nightvision on!" You shouted at your comm.
"Hey, it's not my fault I make a bad costume choice! It was cool at the time!" He argued as he joined the chaos in the room.
"Guardian, we need directions out of here. NOW" batman grumbled.
"Ok, forwards, left left and right. Then up 2 flights. This should bring you up to ground level. Then you just need to find an escape hatch on the ceiling"
You said, studying the schematics of the building.

"Got it" Tim said as you watched their trackers move across the map of the building in the direction you specified.

They were nearing the end as gunshots where heard over the comm.
"CRAP! The main level has armed guards!" You yelled.

"Thanks for the warning y/n!" Dick said as you heard grunting and noises, as well as more gunshots.

You suddenly heard a particularly loud gunshot, and a groan.
"ROBIN!" Dick yelled.

Your eyes widened and your hands flew to your mouth. Is he dead?

"Ok... We're out" nightwing and batman were both panting in their comms.
"Tim doesn't look so good. Guardian, have Alfred on standby." Bruce said.
"Got it" you replied as you pulled off your headphones and ran up the stairs to find Alfred in the manor.

Small time skippey

When the batmobile pulled into the batcave you ran over. Dick jumped out, carrying Tim's body. He was still alive, but barely. Blood covered his shoulder and the top half of his robin uniform had been removed. Batman followed him, with blood splatters on his uniform. They both ran past you and straight to the medical wing.

The next few hours were a blur. Together Alfred and Bruce removed the bullet from Tim's shoulder and bandaged him up, with Dick and you not leaving his side.
"Don't worry Yn/n. He'll be fine. " said Dick, resting a hand on your shoulder. Tears formed in your eyes.
"I should have been that coming. I should have been faster! I..." Dick turned you to face him.
"No. You already did everything you could. If you hadn't have spotted that there was a trap in the first place, then we would all be dead. " he said, looking into your eyes.
You sniffed and wiped your nose on your sleeve.
"Thanks Dick. "
You both smiled at each other, as Alfred and Bruce finished bandaging Tim.

"He'll be sore for a couple of days, but noting serious. " said Bruce, approaching the two of you. You swallowed thickly.
"Can I see him?" You asked.
"He's asleep now, but I don't see why not. " batman said. He started to walk off but stopped an turned back to you.

"Oh and Y/n... Good work. We would be dead if it wasn't for you quick thinking. " Bruce said. You were shocked.

You expected a lecture about planning ahead and not being stupid but instead you got congratulated by THE BATMAN.

Bruce smiled, as you threw your arms around him and hugged him tightly. Bruce was slightly taken back at first, but returned the hug. He and Dick then left to change, which just left you and Tim in the batcave.

You walked over to the side of his bed and held his hand.

You don't know how long you where sitting there, but eventually you felt yourself drifting off. When Bruce came downstairs later to see if Tim had woken up, he found you asleep next to his bed, with your head resting on his legs. Bruce smiled to himself, and got a blanked out of one of the cupboards and draped it over your shoulders.

The next day you woke up to find a blanket over you, and Tim laying awake underneath you. "TIM! "You squealed as you hugged him tightly. He winded as you touched his shoulder. You noticed and immediately loosened your grip.
"Sorry! Sorry! I'm just glad your ok"
You rushed out.
"Y/n, it's ok, I'm fine. " Tim smiled at you.
"Tim, I'm so sorry. If I had been faster to wouldn't have gotten shot and you wouldn't be here and..."
You started rambling when Tim cut you off by kissing you.
"Y/n, you already saved all of us when you noticed the trap. I love you, Yn/n. It's not your fault. "
You smiled as you relaxed slightly. "I'm hungry. C'mon, let's go get some food" Tim said a he swung his legs over the side of the bed. He stood up and kissed you one last time.

"I love you guardian. "

"I love you too bird boy. "

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