Tim Drake x reader

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Slotting Tim in here so I don't get too many Damian one shots next to eachother, just to break it up 😊 thanks to stressednscreaming for the request and kind messages xxx

You sighed heavily and pushed your food around your plate with your fork, you head resting in your hand. You were unintentionally staring at the other side of the dining hall, where Tim and his girlfriend Rebecca (no offence to any Rebecca's, I'm sure you're all lovely.)
Were sitting next to eachother with Rebecca's friends around them.

Your friend (y/fn) waved a hand in front of your face. "Helloooooo? Earth to y/n? Anyone home?" She asked.

"Wha- sorry. Zoned out." You said, sipping on your drink.

"Yeah right. More like getting lost in Tim's eyes again."

You nearly choked on your water.

"Oh come on, I've seen the way you look at him." She said.

"Well yeah but... he has Rebecca. I'm over it."

"Really? He doesn't look that happy to me." She said. She was right. He sat quietly and awkwardly as Rebecca laughed with her friends.

God I hate her laugh. She sounds like a seal choking.

"Well if he's unhappy he needs to dump her. I'm not going after someone else's taken bacon." You said as you got up, pushing the remaining food on your plate into the bin, suddenly deciding you weren't hungry anymore.

Tim looked as you got up to leave, his eyes following you until you did before he settled down at the table again.

Y/fn sighed and picked up her tray before leaving the dining hall too.


You and Tim were walking home together, as you always did. Rebecca lived in the other side of town and you and Tim had always walked to and from school everyday since you were kids, so you carried on, even if he did have a girlfriend.

"So how is Rebecca?" You asked politely.

"She's okay." He answered simply.

"Cool." You said awkwardly.

"Hey um... can we go the long way around? I need to get more exercise. Rebecca says I need to lose some weight." Tim asked.

You felt like you had been stabbed.

"W-What? She said- that you-"

"Look, if it's a problem then it's no big deal. I'll just hit the gym tonight."

"But you don't need to do that. You're perfect the way you are." You smiled slightly at him.

"No I'm not. I don't want Rebecca to be embarrassed by me." He said quietly.

You stopped dead in the middle of the street.

Tim stopped too and turned to look at you, confused.

"What the hell did you just say?!" You yelled.

"Jeez, calm down. Just what Rebecca  said. I'm not enough for her and I know that. I've come to terms with it." He answered casually as he continued to walk but you were still rooted to the ground in shock.

"And you believed her?! You shrieked.

"Well, Yeah. She is right."

You ran in front of Tim and flicked him in the forehead.

"Hey! What was that for?" He whined.

"For believing her! You're totally enough for her! More than enough for her! This relationship isn't healthy for you."

"Isn't healthy? What do you mean?"

"I mean- you're putting so much stress on yourself and Rebecca should be picking you up, not pushing you down further. I'm sorry to say this Tim, but maybe she isn't right for you."

"You know what- that's really low Y/n. This is my problem, not Rebecca's. don't take this out on her." He said coldly.

You felt another stab in your chest.

"Well- fine. I'm going to the library and I think it's best if you just go home. Goodbye Tim." You said as you walked off quickly before Tim could see the tears falling from your cheeks.

Tim sighed as he watched you speed walk off, before he made his own way home. His stomach rumbled as he went. He tried to remember the last time he had eaten a full meal but couldn't. It was probably around a week ago. He shrugged and carried on his way, thinking about what you had said.

Time skippey

It had been a week since you'd spoken to Tim yet he and Rebecca seemed the same as before.

You were walking home alone when you saw Tim, jogging the other way. He looked so miserable and tired, as well as a bit thinner than last you had seen him.

"Tim, wait!"You yelled as he ran past.

Tim stopped with his back to you.

"Look- I know this is gonna come off really bad and selfish no matter what way I put it, so here goes." You took a deep breath.

"I like you Tim. I always have done. And I've never told you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship  but I guess that's no issue now. I know you're with Rebecca but she doesn't treat you right.  Please Tim. Look at yourself. You're tired, stressed and you need someone to help you. You need to see that and- are you listening?" You asked as your stated at the back of his head.

Tim then slowly turned around to face you. There were tears pooling in his eyes.

"T-Tim? What-"

"She dumped me." He sniffed as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Oh Tim, I'm-"

"She said I wasn't good enough. Am- am I not enough?"

You ran over and hugged him tightly as he let his tears go.

"Oh Tim. You are good enough. You are better and so much more. Please don't do this Tim."

"I-I love you Y/n."

"I love you too Tim. All of you. You're perfect the way you are and I don't care what anyone else says."

"Thank you Y/n. You're the best. I don't deserve someone like you."

You broke the hug and wiped his tears with your thumb.

"Come on Tim. Let's go home and order a Chinese and watch Netflix."

"Can I get my own noodles?"

"Yes you can. You can have anything you want."

Tim smiled sheepishly and linked his hand with yours as you set off home, together again.

Sorry this took sooooo long but I hope it was good! Summer is nearly here 😆 hope all your exams are going well or are done 😊


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