Damian Wayne x reader

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"But baaaaabe" You whined as you gripped onto Damian's sleeve, preventing him from exiting the apartment you shared out of the window.

"I'm sorry beloved, but I have to go." He sighed, tugging his sleeve from your hands. You looked down sadly and pouted. He sighed again a took your hand in his, kissing it gently and cupping your face with his other hand.

"I'll be back, I promise. And I'll call you if plans change. I love you." He said as he kissed you on the forehead and he shot his grappling hook to a nearby building and flew away.

You watched his shadow flying further and further into the night before you closed the curtains and pulled a blanket around yourself, and settled down on the sofa to watch To all the boys I've loved before, then watched Sierra Burgess is a loser.(ACTUALLY OBSESSED)

It was getting pretty late at this point, and Damian still wasn't back yet. You huffed and checked your phone. No call. No text. It was nearly sun up. You nervously paced the living room before deciding there was noting you could do except sleep, and hope Damian wasn't dead in an alley somewhere.


You were awoken by someone stumbling into your apartment window later. You opened your eyes groggily and looked at the clock by your bed. It was 2:30 in the afternoon.

"Damian?" You asked, sitting up.

He only grunted in response.

"Where the hell where you last night?" You asked, crossing your arms.
"Out where?"
"Where the hell do you think?"

You were silent. Damian never spoke to you like this.

"Don't speak to me like that." You said, throwing the covers off your legs and making your way into the bathroom.

"Like what?" He asked, standing in the bathroom doorway, crossing his arms.

You picked up a cup from the side and filled it with water. "Like I'm a child. You never texted last night. Do you know how worried I was? Anything could have happened! Do you not even have 2 seconds to say 'not coming home tonight'. Is that too hard?"

He sighed heavily and ran his hands through his black hair. "Well I'm sorry I was busy."

You slammed the cup down. "Too busy to send me 4words?" You yelled.

"For goodness sake Y/n, stop making such a big deal of this!"
"A big deal?! Why are you being so selfish? Anything could have happened, I just wanted to know you were okay!"
"I'm being selfish? What about you, always having to know here I am every hour of the day? Who's selfish now?"

You angrily slapped your hands down on the sink.

"Do you not even realise how scared I was? How much I worry about you not coming home?"
"Well you being scared of everything is not my problem!"

You suddenly grabbed the cup of water from the side and threw it in Damian's face, the cup clanging on the floor as it fell. You quickly shoved him out the doorway and grabbed the first pair of shoes you could find and exited the apartment, slamming the door behind you loudly.

The only place you could go was to a coffee shop. You didn't have many friends that lived within walking distance and you sure as hell couldn't go to the manor. So you sat, staring at your cup of y/fd. It had been a couple of hours since your outburst and it was getting dark.

Your phone lit up for the millionth time with another call from Damian. You declined the call. That made 27 missed calls and 41 texts. All of them ranged from 'I'm sorry' to 'where are you?' to 'beloved, I'm worried please answer me'.

It was nearly the cafe's closing time as you eventually got up to leave, venturing into the dark streets.

As you were asking down the streets you could hear someone running. They were getting close. You looked around but couldn't see anyone. You cautiously kept walking until you saw the person running straight at you.

You were just about to run in the opposite direction when the person called your name.

You squinted to see who it was as they got closer. It was Damian. He stopped in front of you, putting his hands on his knees and catching his breath. His hair was dishevelled and his shirt was soaked in sweat.

"What do you-"
"Please, just listen to me."

You huffed and looked away from on him, folding your arms.

"I am so sorry Y/n, you're right, I was being selfish. There's no excuse for what I did and you had every right to be mad at me. So I'll say I'm sorry again, and I'll keep saying sorry until you forgive me. I had no reason to shout at you, and I don't want you to be  scared when I go out. I'm so, so, so sorry."

He finished, straightening up as you looked into his worried eyes.

You looked at him blankly, before your bottom lip wobbled. "It really hurt when you yelled at me." You said quietly.

"I know, I'm sorry." He said as he opened his arms, and you lay your head on his shoulder and sniffed, a few tears escaping down your cheeks.

He kissed the top of your head and stroke your hair as he wrapped his other arms around your waist.

"Can we please go home? I'm tired." You said as you yawned quietly.

Damian smiled slightly before scooping you up in his arms, holding you bridal style.

"I can walk Damian." You said, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I know. But I want to carry you like the princess you are." He said sweetly as he began walking home, his arms securely wrapped around you as you fell asleep on his shoulder, finally feeling safe in his embrace.

"You smell really bad" you whispered.

Aghhh it's been like a month

I'm sorry


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