bat brothers x reader

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You walked out of school and waited by the front gates for Mark, your boyfriend. You had been together for about 6 months and you were loving it. He was a year older and was always so mature, as well as being the captain of the rugby team.

Anyway, you started searching through the crowds for him and eventually you found his signature jacket with his name on the back in the crowd. Except... A girl was wearing it.

The most popular girl in the school, Molly was wearing his jacket while mark had his arm snaked around her waist. You gasped as you quickly got up an were on your way to confront them when Mark turned Molly around and kissed her.

"Mark? W-what..." You stammered.
"Isn't it obvious? Hit the bricks kid. It's over."

His world stung as you quickly turned around and ran out the school gates, hearing Mark and Molly's laughter behind you.

You made it back to the manor in record time and raced your way upstairs.

Jason's PoV

I heard the doors the manor open and close. Y/n must be home. I walked out of the kitchen and went to say hello to her.
"Hey Y/nn, how was school?" I asked casually.
She didn't answer me and instead bolted up the stairs. I frowned. This was not normal for Y/n. I watched as she got to the top of the stairs, and immediately ran face-first into Dick.
"Y/n? What's up little sis?" Dick asked. He was always better at the mushy-emotional stuff than I was, and he could always make Y/n feel better.

Y/n didn't even dignify Dick with a response a she pushed past him and slammed the door to her room.

"That was..."
"Weird? Crazy? Un-Y/n like?" I finished Dick's sentence.

"Yeah. Do you know what's up?"
"Beats me. You should talk to her. Your the emotional one" I said as Dick placed his hand on his chest and faked being offended.

"Oh! Such insults!" Dick said as he fake-cried. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs, pushing past the over-dramatic mess of a vigilante and to my sisters room.

Dick stopped 'crying' and followed me as we both pressed out ears against her door and listened. What I heard broke my heart.

Y/n was crying to herself quietly. My anger rose inside my chest. How dare someone make my sister cry!

I raised my fist and was about to break the door down when Dick grabbed my arm and shot me a glare.

"Ok fine. But if someone has upset her this bad I'm not afraid to enlist the help of a certain handsome and brave anti-hero to help. " I said.

"Does this anti-hero know the meaning of the word 'subtle' ?" Dick retorted. I punched him in the arm.

"Just knock. " I said.

Dick did a he was instructed and knocked on the door.

"I'm fine guys!" Y/n said in reply but it didn't take the worlds greatest detective to know that she wasn't. Her voice cracked as she spoke and had lost its usually spark of enthusiasm.

"Come on Y/n. We both know your lying. Please, jut open the door or I'll break it down. " I said.

There was a short pause before shuffling could be heard and the door opened. Y/n stood there crying with a bunch of tissues in her hand. She was still in her school uniform but had taken off her tie. (If you don't wear a tie just roll with it)

"What happened Y/nn?" Dick asked gently. She immediately broke down and threw her arms around me, crying uncontrollably. I knelt down and hugged her tightly to my chest as Dick rubbed her back, whispering things like 'it's ok' and 'we love you' in her ear.

After a few minutes she had calmed down enough to tell us what was wrong. Needles to say I was furious. We stayed with Y/n until she fell asleep and when she did I raced down to the batcave and pulled on my helmet.
"What are you doing Todd?" Damian asked as I loaded my guns and threw on my leather jacket.

"Kicking a scumbags ass. " Dick finished as he walked up behind me in his Nightwing uniform. Damian simply rolled his eyes as we set off to find Mark. Boy, he is gonna wish he was never born.

Your PoV (also the morning)

You woke up in your room and slowly made your way downstairs. It was a Saturday so no school. As you entered the kitchen Jason and Dick were already up. They had the biggest smile on their faces.

Something wasn't right.

"Why are you guys so happy?" I asked suspiciously as I poured myself a glass of Y/fd.

"Oh, no reason. " Dick replied as he went back to drinking his coffee, and Jason eating his eggs.

You shrugged as you left and walked back up to your room. On your way past Jason's room you swore you saw Mark's jacket in the trash but decided it was nothing. Hell, Jason doesn't even know where he lives.

Dick's PoV

"Looks like project douchebag was a success! I said as I sipped my coffee.
"Yep! For the next six months the only girls he will be bothering will be the nurses at Gotham hospital!" Jason said happily as he ate his breakfast.

We really are the best big brothers ever.

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