Damian wayne x reader

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ayewaynee here you go, hope you enjoy!

You sighed again and stared up at your ceiling , listening to the birds chirping outside your window. You only got a whole 5 hours of sleep last night. That was relatively good for you. Most nights it was nearer 3. You rolled over to see Damian snoring quietly with his arms around your waist. You ran your fingers through his hair but he was fast asleep.

Lucky bastard.

You carefully removed yourself from Damian's side and slipped into the bathroom and washed your face and brushed your hair. You usually did this every morning before Damian woke up so you looked slightly less dead and he wouldn't worry about you.

Just as you were brushing your teeth Damian came up behind you and envelopes you in his arms, resting his angular jaw on your shoulder.

"Why are you up so early beloved? Come back to bed." He whined as he closed his eyes and nuzzled at your shoulder.

"Because... I was going to make you breakfast!" You quickly thought of an excuse on the spot.

Your put your toothbrush back and wiped your face before Damian turned you around in his arms, kissing your forehead and making your blush.

"So... can I have eggs and bacon?" He asked, looking up at you.

"Anything for my little robin." You replied as you kissed his nose. This time it was his turn to blush as you left the bathroom and went to cook Damian his eggs, ignoring the heavy feeling of your eyelids.


3 am. You were still up at 3 am. You had attempted to sleep by 10, but had once again failed. You were so frustrated it was making you want to cry every night. You dreaded the sun going down because it meant you had to try and usually fail to sleep again.

You rubbed your eyes tiredly and when you opened them a pair of green eyes were staring you back.

You gasped and scrambled out of bed and over to the door, but a hand grabbed your wrist.

You went to scream for Bruce or one of Damian's brothers when you stopped.

"Beloved, it's me! And be quiet, you'll wake up the whole manor!" He hissed. He was standing before you in his robin uniform, but he had taken his mask off.

"What the hell Damian! I nearly wet myself!" You said angrily.

"What were you doing?" You hissed, removing his hand from your wrist and crossing your arms over your chest.

"Trying to figure out why for the last 2 weeks you have been up at 3 am!" He replied.

You went silent as your heart sank. The last person you wanted to find out about your insomnia was Damian. He would be so overprotective sometimes, and you didn't want to worry him.

Your bottom lip wobbled slightly. All of the frustration and lack of sleeps had finally caught up to you. You burst into tears, throwing yourself onto Damian and he hugged you and stroked your hair.

"I- I think I ha-have insomnia!" You cried. He shushed you and rubbed circles on your back.

He stood quietly for a second, letting your cry.

"Is that what it is? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked gently.

"Because I-I didn't want you to worry." You replied quietly, your tears slowing.

He carefully guided your to the bed and he sat you down before he lay down and pulled you next to him, so you were comfortably lying with his arms encircling your waist.

You sighed gently before your ears heard the most beautiful sound.

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur..."

Damian singing.

You almost spontaneously combusted. Damian had such a lovely voice, and it was the first time he had sang for you.

"Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr."

He sang quietly and kissed your hair.

"Whenever you can't sleep please tell me. I'll sing to you all night if I need to." He whispered in your ear, sending chills down your spine.

You closed your eyes listening to Damian's rhythmic heartbeat, slowing drifting off into one of the best nights sleep you'd had in your life.

Yeah so I watched the Big Bang theory while writing this and thought soft kitty was perfect

Damian is so damn cute!


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