He promised himself he'd do better and hoped Nathaniel hadn't been put off by his behaviour. Others had broken relations with him for less, so he was surprised when he invited him to come with him to Val Royeaux. Something to do with the Lady Ambassador, but he didn't care. Perhaps the Inquisitor really was different from the others.


My hands were slick with nerves when we reached Val Royeaux. I was certain Dorian would figure out why we were really here and spoil everything. But he seemed content with what I'd said about Josephine and waited outside while she and I met with the Duke.

After the meeting, I couldn't believe what we'd learned. A long-dead rival of Josephine's' family had a contract with an organization of assassins. They had orders to kill her if she ever attempted to rebuild her family's fortune. I knew Antivan society was cutthroat, but this was going too far.

I headed for the meeting place of the merchant and as we approached, the man recognized me and bowed in greeting.

"Ah, Inquisitor. This is exactly what I was hoping for. So glad to see you received my message." He said.

"Are you joking?" Dorian sputtered. "Is this why we're here?"

"As I explained to the young man it is not money I desire but influence, of which he has none. With a word from you Inquisitor, I will be accepted into the Celestine League."

"You're a merchant." I reminded him. "Why not just sell the amulet?"

"A birthright possessed by one to whom it does not belong can still be useful, even so."

"Dorian?" I asked.

"He's not wrong." He grumbled. "Leave the man be. I'll find another way to get it back."

"You should accept the help of your friend messere." Ponchard de Lieu said calmly.

"Kaffas!" Dorian snorted. "I know what you think and he's not my friend. He's... never mind what he is."

Not his friend? "Don't you want the amulet back?" I asked, confused.

"Of course I want it back. Just not like this."

"Well Inquisitor? Do you accept my terms or is our business here concluded?"

"Alright." I agreed. "I'll do as you ask."

"Excellent. I will have the amulet delivered as soon as I receive word from the the Celestine."

"Bloody influence-mongering." Dorian muttered, turning away.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" I asked, catching up to him.

"I don't want to be in your debt. I don't want to be in anyone's debt. I told you, I didn't want you involved in this."

I frowned. "Don't you think..."

"I don't want to discuss it." He snapped, stalking away from me.


He'd gone and done it. The bloody man had used his power and influence to correct his mistake. Now the fingers and tongues would wag, confirming their suspicions he was nothing more than a user, seeking power for himself. He was angry but couldn't decide who he was more angry with. Himself for losing it in the first place, or the Inquisitor for getting back for him.


I hadn't expected Dorian to thank me for going against his wishes, but I hadn't expected his anger either. I couldn't understand what was so wrong with what I'd done. It hadn't cost me anything but a letter. Certainly it was a small thing to however much Ponchard had paid for it.

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