"Release your chain from his neck so he can breathe and put it away for now, we should give our 'visitor' a more 'proper' greeting."

"Of course, Wil."

DNA went over to me, loosened the chain around my neck and jerked his head in the direction where the table was.

I rubbed my neck as I walked over to the end where it was closer and sat down in the chair. DNA stood beside Wilfred and stared at me.

"I gotta admit," Wilfred said as he sat down, "That was pretty impressive of what you did."

"What do you want," I asked.

"Uh uh uh, only I ask the questions Darky."


I slumped in the chair and stared at him.

"I have overheard that you and Anti now watch and take care of a human now," he said.

"Yes," I said, "Her name is Sarah."

"Interesting, usually an ordinary demon would kill them right away."

"I would've done the same, but something about her made me feel like I couldn't."

"And why not?"

"She... I just... I couldn't leave her like how we found her... She was hurt, tired, and looked like she was escaping from something."

"But yet you didn't kill her."

"Don't even try to think about hurting or killing her. Sarah has been though some very bad things, her parents were killed in front of her eyes, she's been bullied, sexually abused..."


I stood up and slammed my fist onto the table.


That mustache man just still sat there, glaring in my red eyes. DNA was ready to throw his green chain and wrap it around my neck again, Wilfred put up his cane and stopped him.

"I got this," he told DNA.

"Stop pretending like you're something so important," I growled.

DNA cracked his green chain and threw it around my neck again. I grabbed it and only held onto it. He then pulled me towards him, punched my face and made the chain around my neck more tighter.

"Remember when your friend Anti went crazy," he said in a cold tone, "He was killing himself and you did nothing."

"I tried to stop him," I choked out.

"But then when you let his arm go, he had to slit his own throat."

"What did you do to him?"

"I injected a serum that would make a person or demon lose their sanity."

He pulled out a syringe with a glowing green fluid and pointed it at my neck.

"You could've stopped me," he said, "but you just watched... Now it's your turn..."

"DNA stop it," Wilfred demanded, "Or else I'll have to torture you."

"I can put up with your torture methods bitch."

"What if I told you that I had to use your own serum on you?"

"It's what keeps me alive."

"I've got something that you will surely horrify you."

Wilfred then pulled out another syringe, only it was filled with a glowing pink fluid.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now