"We're Doing A What?!"

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April's POV*

Its been a few days and I haven't gotten another note. Dean and I haven't spoken, I haven't really talked to anyone but Aj. I told him I wanted to lay low for a few days. It was now Smackdown night and Steph said her and Hunter had some important news that would effect the entire roster.

Aj drove us to the arena and we soon parted ways to get changed. I put on my attire and walked into catering where everyone was gathered to hear this 'big news' Steph and Hunter had for us. Probably something dumb.

Paige and Becky sat next to me at our table in the back of catering. Aj would soon join us.

"So what do you think this bullshit meeting is about?" I asked them.

"Probably something that will only effect the guys." Becky said.

"Yeah most likely, that's what it always is." Paige spoke up.

"I honestly don't know." Aj said.

"Looks like we're about to find out." I said, nodding towards the door where The Authority walked in with a clipboard.

"Attention everybody. We gathered you all in here for a special reason." Steph started.

"We're just gonna cut right to the chase. We are going to be starting a brand split. Yes, we have done a brand split before and it didn't turn out the greatest but we have made this so it will be perfect." Hunter spoke up.

"We're doing a what?!" I stood up.

"A brand split, are you deaf?" Stephanie smirked.

"We will be picking general managers for each show and we will be having a draft." Hunter said.

"This is bullshit." Dean said from where he stood, leaned against the wall with Sasha close by.

"I agree." I said.

"This has already been decided, it's not your choice." Steph said before the exited.

I turned to Aj, "What if.."

Dean's POV*

What if me and April aren't on the same show? What if I'm stuck with Sasha, I mean I know she's my girlfriend and all but I.. April... Ugh. I mean this is complete bullshit.

"Hopefully we're on the same show." Sasha kissed my cheek before walking out of catering.

I looked around to see April and Aj leaving, holding hands while exiting. I sighed. Man up Ambrose. I wish.

Paige's POV*

I went to me and Sami's meeting spot. And waited for him to come and meet me here.

"Hey." He said, entering the room.

"Hey, this brand split has me worried." I told him truthfully.

"Me too. It's a good idea but I mean.." He shrugged.

"What if we get split apart." I asked him.

"We will find a way." He winked, kissing my cheek.

"But for now, let's savor any time we have together."

Unknown's POV*

As I returned to my locker room, I noticed something scratched into my locker. I looked closely at it.

You shall perish.

I raised an eyebrow, what the heck? Then it sunk in.. I knew exactly who did this.

April's POV*

Once again, Aj and I had split ways. I frowned once I stepped into the locker room. There was something scratched on my locker.

You shall perish.

Here we go again.

Really short I know this was a move along chapter. I have decided that I can finish this book if I cut out some things that were not necessary to this book.

There will only be about 3 chapters left.

Next chapter you get to find out who the unknowns were :p

Love y'all!!

Something To Fight For (Sequel To Twisted)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon