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Seth's POV*

I may have went a little far by doing that to Dean. I know it upset Aj. I feel bad about that. But who did she run off with? I hope its not a stranger. She could get killed.

I stood near the ambulance, watching as they rolled Dean into the back of the truck. I had a small smile on my face, thinking of how awesome it was to finally get rid of Dean for a while, but I did have a hole in my heart because of how Aj reacted. I need to find her. Now.

Aj Lee's POV*

I know that stealing a boat in the middle of the night was wrong, but you only live once, right?

"Just so you know, boats and me do not get along very well so if I get paranoid then you better-."

"Aj. I have ice cream in this cooler. There is blankets on this boat, and I'm pretty sure I see a flat screen over there, and I always have The Outsiders with me for some reason. You don't have to be scared. Just relax." Aj laughed and put his hand out to help me on the boat.

I took a deep breath and took his hand. He pulled me gently on the boat, we went to where the TV was as Aj drove the boat a little bit into the ocean. I could still see land, its not like we were in the middle of no where, so I felt safe. We saw very few cars pass by us, probably wrestlers and Divas trying to get to our next destination

For such a fear of boats, this was actually quite relaxing, I haven't had much time to do that lately. Aj had popped in The Outsiders and we were watching as it began. It was cold, but the blankets defiantly helped. I had no idea that this could be so nice.

Aj Styles' POV*

To be completey honest, the only reason I told Aj that it was a surprise where we were going, is because I had no idea myself. I thought that she would want to think that I knew where I was going, but I honestly didn't. Luckily we came across this boat. It seems that she is enjoying it.

I knew that there was something about Aj ever sense I ran into her that one day. The way she rushed, the way she spoke, just the look in her eye. There is something about this girl, even though I haven't really known her for long, she seems like an awesome person.

Dean's POV* [OMGGG]

"Dean?...... Dean..? DEAN!!"

My eyes shot open and chills ran up my body.

"Where the fuck am I?" I sighed.

"The hospital, dumbass." Roman rolled his eyes.

"What?! Why?!" I exclaimed, trying to sit up but there was an extreme pain in my side.

"Because you got Curb Stomped through cinder blocks. By the one and only Seth Rollins. Ya know, you missed a lot while you were passed out." He told me.

"That bastard. And what do you mean?" I asked him.

"Well Aj got extremely upset about this whole thing and she ran out of the arena, then ran into that new guy.. Ugh what's the name? Oh! Aj Styles I think it was. Well apparently they ran off together somewhere and Seth got really mad and now he's off to find her." He said like nothing really mattered.

{Don't y'all love how calm Roman is? Lmao}

"And how the hell do you know all this?" I questioned.

"Well I saw Aj get upset, then Stephanie saw her run out, she told Hunter that, and then Hunter told Seth which I overheard, so I followed Seth outside, and saw Aj and Aj together- ha, that's fun. Aj and Aj, Aj and Aj.. Anyway, Seth was telling Aj to forgive him, but she and Aj ran off and yeah.. Oh! And you know how Seth thinks out loud? Well he was all like, "I'm gonna find Aj.. Now." And yeah it was retarded, so I got in the back of the ambulance with you and now we're here and I'm telling you stuff and you look tired of me, and yeah.. Again." He explained.

"A little, "Word gets around" would have been a much easier way to say all of that." I rolled my eyes.

"What's the fun in that?"

"Ugh, Roman you are just weird."

I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY! I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER! I FEEL REALLY BAD OMG. But I am back nonetheless. And we are gonna have some fun. I had a little Roman moment because I thought it would be funny, but whatever. I hope you liked it, again, I am really sorry for taking so long.

Aj Styles vs Shinske Nakamura, who wins?

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