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Sasha's POV*

"I'm so sorry Dean." I said, trying to comfort him.

"Its not your fault." He said, wiping away his tears.

We stayed silent for a while. It wasn't awkward or anything, it was peaceful. He needed peace.

"When I was in NXT, I was dating this guy, his name is Finn. And we had a serious relationship, it was nice. But he had thus thing for another girl the whole time. Bayley. She is my best friend, don't get me wrong, but it hurt inside. I wanted the best for him so I let him go. Maybe you should try letting Aj go, if you want what's best for her. I guarantee she wants the best for you." I said.

"I don't even know what's best for me, I know that she used to be what was best for me.. But I just don't know anymore." He told me.

"Think about it." I said, getting up.

"Sasha," I stopped and looked at him, "Could you stay?"

"Of course." I smiled, sitting back down.

Aj Styles' POV*

This isn't how I planned my night to go, but I'm glad it went like this. We successfully got back to the hotel with no troubles. I didn't want to wake Aj up, so I picked her up and carried her inside. I got her into her room safely and walked back down to get our stuff out of my car. I saw Seth waiting by the car.

"Is she okay?" He asked.

"She's still upset." I told him.

"What room is she in?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not gonna tell you that Seth, you screwed up, you hurt her. I'm not gonna let you go up there and hurt her again." I stated.

"Fucking hell, just stop. You don't even know her! You don't know anything about her, I do, so just stop acti-"

"I may not know her very well, but I know that a woman like her should be treated with respect, and obviously that's not what you're bringing to her. You're outta line." I said angrily.

"I'm outta line? Really? I came here to see if she's okay, and you're saying I'm out of line? Wow."

"None of this would have happened if you didn't do what you did to Dean. So back off, she obviously doesn't wanna speak with you right now." I said.

"Would both of you just stop! Seth, I'm mad at you for what you did, Aj is right, I don't wanna talk to you right now. Aj, come on, he's not worth arguing with." Aj interrupted us.

I grabbed our stuff and followed her to her room.

"You can stay in here if you want." She said.

"I don't wanna intrude." I told her.

"Let me rephrase that. I don't wanna be alone tonight, can you please stay in here with me?" She giggled.

"Well when you put it like that." I laughed a little.

Aj Lee's POV*

"So how does it feel being the Women's champion?" Aj asked me as I pulled out my belt.

"It feels great, like our division is actually going to be known as more than girls in booty shorts slapping each other around." I smiled.

"Well I think that's cool, that the women can be taken as more than that. You seem to work as hard as possible, I like that." He smiled back.

"Yeah. You know, you're alright for an Aj." I laughed.

"You're not too bad for an Aj either." He chuckled.

"That's gonna get confusing. We need to change one of our names." I said.

"I can't change my name though, I got the tattoo and everything." He lifted up his shirt and showed me his tattoo.

"Ugh, tattoos, okay fine, so if you're Aj, than you can call me April, because that's my name." I said.

"Okay. So how are you today.. April?" He smirked.

"Eh I could be better.. Aj." I laughed again.

"I think we all could be better today."

Short Chapter I know, sorry! Aj and April are soooooo cute!!!!! Well I hope you liked it

A bit late for this question, but what did y'all think about Hell In A Cell?

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