Our Story Begins

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Aj's pov*

"How does it feel Sethie? To be betrayed... We had you all fooled. Did you really think you could break us up?!" I shouted. "I missed you." Dean said, hugging me.

The crowd was going nuts. "Well, now that we're on surprises.. I have one for you Aj." He pulled a small black box out of his pants. I had tears of joy forming in my eyes.

"Aj, ever since Christmas, my life has changed. I love you sooo much and nothing will ever change that. Being away from you has only made me realize that I can't live without you. I need you.." He got down on one knee and opened the box.

The crowd cheered loudly and the tears came down my face. I covered my mouth as I cried happy tears. "Aj Lee.... Will you marry me?"

"....... Yes."

"Aj! You got us!" Stephanie said from in the ring. It was Monday and its been a week since me and Dean fooled everybody. I stared at the gorgeous ring on my finger.

"Hey fun size." Dean and Roman walked over to me. "Fun size? Seriously?" I laughed slightly at the name Roman had given me. "It fits you." He smiled.

"I know your back there Aj! Don't be afraid! You can't hide from us forever. You will perish Aj." Hunter spoke harshly. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Ok.. Still not coming out? Well how about we have a little fun." He said, catching my attention. "Throughout the night, you will have several different matches for your Divas title. You can only win by pinfall or submission. If you get counted out then your belt is gone. Your first match starts now so you better hurry up and get out here." Steph said.

"Oh and Dean, and Roman are band from ringside." The crowd booed at this. "Good luck." Dean kissed me briefly. "Love you." I said. "Love you too." I walked to the curtain.

Let's light it up! Light it up, light it up, light it tonight!

I skipped out onto the stage with the Divas Championship around my waist. The crowd erupted in cheers. I knew that was gonna happen. As soon as I betray the Authority, the cheers will return. And that's exactly what happened.

"Oh, look who showed up." Seth said. "Shut up Sethie. If you guys really think that making me defend my title a couple times will effect me, then you thought wrong. I like competition." I smirked and dropped my mic.

I unclipped my belt from the back and held it in the air. Stephanie clapped sarcastically. "Bring it!" I yelled at her. They all smirked and stepped out of the ring, all except for Seth.

He stared at me before sliding out.

Brie Mode!!!!!

Brie Bella walked out with a serious look on her face. I wish I didn't have to fight her. Let's just hope Roman doesn't get mad when I beat her.

She whispered something in my ear. I nodded and smiled at her. The bell rings and I ran after Brie. She slid out of the ring and put her hands on her head. She slid back in and I put her in the Black Widow. She tapped instantly and I let go.

"Thanks Brie." I helped her up and she left the ring. The ref gave me my belt and I held it up. I had put my ring in my pocket, so I got it out and kissed it. "Love you Deano!" I shouted.

This is home.

Hello!! There you go! My first, kinda short chapter.. Hope y'all liked it and I cannot wait to write this for you guys. Comment and vote plz<3 love y'all!!!!!

Something To Fight For (Sequel To Twisted)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant