Seth Freakin Rollins Shall Perish

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(A/N: Hey y'all! I know I said I'd do these at the end but I lied 😂 In have a few questions from white_tiger03 for the characters. So here they are)

Aj Lee(April) Q: Do you think you'll ever get back with Dean?
A: I honestly don't know.. He seems to be moving on towards Sasha and I've already hurt him enough...

Dean Ambrose~ Q: Can you get back with Aj soon?
A: Sorry uh, I don't think so. Its not really the best for us.. We tried, we tried so hard but it just didn't work. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Aj Styles~ Q: Do you like Aj?
A: Yes.. I really love spending time with her, she's a blast to be around, she's beautiful, she's strong, I really hope she feels the same way.

Alright thanks for the questions white_tiger03 ;)


April's POV*

Tonight is the night. My plan will be in play. This is gonna be awesome. Seth freakin Rollins shall perish, he shouldn't have messed with me.

"You ready to do this?" Aj asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said, receiving a wink from Sasha who was by the curtain next to Seth.

I smirked, hopefully this was going to work out perfectly. Aj and I did our stretches before Seth's music blasted through the arena. I looked at the little screen in front if us as he walked out and stood on the stage. I rolled my eyes as he pounded his chest. Sasha's music hit and Seth looked annoyed that she cut his entrance off. I smiled to myself as she walked out and did her entrance, ignoring Seth. He followed her to the ring and they now stood there, waiting for me and Aj to come out.

Aj's music hit and he walked out. He did the thing with his gloves and started out doing his entrance. He stopped and looked over to the curtain. He waited for my music to hit before putting his hands to the side as if he were presenting me. I grinned at him when I skipped out. I laughed as he skipped down to the ring beside me. He was such a goofball.

We got in the ring and Aj and Seth were in while me and Sasha were out in the apron. Seth and Aj started going at it as soon as the bell rang. I pumped up the crowd. Not everybody was exactly thrilled for me.. I can't really blame them though, I've been a really terrible person lately.

Aj tagged me in and I was now face to face with Seth. He needed to tag in Sasha but... Not just yet.

I ran towards him and jumped on him, hitting him as hard as I possibly could. He was able to escape but I was still going for him. He tagged in Sasha, but he didn't know that she was so gonna screw him over. She got in and we chained up.

"We still on for this?" She whispered.

"Yeah, you ready?" I asked.

"Let's do it." I smirked as she threw me into her corner where Seth was. She went to hit me but I moved, forcing her into Seth. Seth fell onto the mats outside the ring. He looked mad as he got up and threw a fit.

I smiled. Me and Sasha jumped out of the ring to hit him. He only got madder. Aj had gotten a chair which we knew would end up in a disqualification but who cares? Aj unloaded on him. He was hutting him over and over til we knew he wouldn't get up soon.

I lifted a box up by ringside and there was a bunch on cinder blocks.

Payback's a bitch, isn't it Sethie?

Aj set him up on the cinder blocks and everybody was going mad. Unfortunately, Seth realized what was happening and got up, he started running so Aj picked up a cinder block. Seth stopped dead in his tracks.

"Woah woah... Don't do this Aj." He pleaded.

He threw the block but Seth dodged it. Sasha had grabbed a baseball bat from under the ring and was standing behind Seth.

I smiled to her which made Seth turn around. She hit him with it a few times.

"That's for Dean! You had this coming!" She screamed.

I went up and kicked Seth. I got a mic and got in the ring.

"You don't mess with us, Sethie! You started something you just can't win. And now you perished. Give it up for these two!" I smiled as the crowd cheered and Aj gave me a hug.

I opened my arms out for Sasha and she hugged me as well. But what happened next cane as a surprise to me. She pulled away and hit me with the baseball bat. She hit Aj too. She ended up putting me in the Banks Statement before grabbing my belt and holding it up.

"My challenge has been issued. Don't mess with the Boss!"

Heyyyyy, sorry it took a while, I had writers block :( I have a serious twist coming and I have it all planned out but I'm having a little trouble getting there. Hopefully things will come out smoother, anyway, hope ya liked the chapter. Love y'all

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