Day With Brie

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April's POV*

Why was he here? Ugh! He doesn't expect me to believe he 'had the wrong room', does he? Its been on my mind ever since it happened.

Aj disappeared to get food a little while ago so I'm pretty bored. I called Paige and asked if she wanted to come over but she said she was busy. Probably with Sami. So I decided to call Brie. Me and Brie never have much girl time anymore, maybe we could catch up.

She answered rather quick.


"Hey Brie."

"Hi Aj, oh sorry, uh, April."

I laughed slightly, "Are you busy at the moment?"

"Nope, Roman left earlier so I've been alone here for a while. Why?"

"Do you maybe wanna hang out for a bit? We haven't had much time to really talk much lately..?"

"Yes! I'd love to, let me get dressed real quick and I'll meet you in the lobby."

"Okay, sounds good, see you down there." I hung up.

I got up and threw on some jeans with an old Shield shirt with Dean, Roman, Seth, and I on it. I put on my converse and grabbed Aj's hoodie, throwing it over my head and letting the oversized hoodie cover my body.

I walked to the elevator and went down to the lobby. I saw Brie waiting for me.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Hey!" Brie said cheerfully, giving me a quick hug.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked her.

"Well if you'd like, maybe we could go bride shopping..? And then go get something to eat later?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, sounds fun. What are we looking for?" I asked, opening the door for her.

"Well, I need to look at dresses for myself and the bridesmaids. And a few other things that me and Roman need to sort out but I'm mainly focused on dresses." She told me.

"Sounds great." I said, getting into the passengers seat of Brie's truck.

We decided to go to the mall and look in some fancy shop I can't pronounce the name of.

"Oh my god, what about this?" Brie squealed.

She raced over to a beautiful wedding dress that was long and very nice looking. I smiled, telling her to try it on and that she did.

She came out if the dressing room and my mouth dropped.

"Oh. My. God. Brie!" I jumped up happily.

"I swear this is love at first sight." She twirled around.

"Um, yes! Brie, you look absolutely gorgeous! I love it." I told her.

"I think this is the one." She smiled.

"Let's buy it then." I said.

She squealed again, rushing back into the dressing room.

We paid for the dress and were on our way to find something to eat. I love hanging out with Brie. This had been a fun day.

Unknown POV*

I can't. No. I won't.. But... We had an agreement.. Ugh, what am I supposed to do?!! Fuck!

Its like I had an angel on one of my shoulders and a devil on the other. One telling me to betray this person, the other telling me not to.

The stress is killing me.

Guys I'm horrible, I know. Fuuuuck. I know this was a very short chapter and it was kinda pointless but I needed something to move the story along, and so sorry I haven't been updating, once again. I don't have a good excuse to be honest.

My twist is so evil 😂


OH YEAH! I told my friend that I would do this..

So my friend, Kaela, she's like my absolute best friend, she has this huge crush on this guy named Cory and we have come up with two ship names and we cannot figure out which one to use. So I told her I would have you guys choose for us.

Here's your two options:



Please vote, we know they are terrible but that's what we got

Thanks for having patience guysLove ya❤ xx

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