Chapter 31

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The creature, YN, screamed Dre's name, as a deep chuckle came. He stood about 100m away from YN on the plains, with a huge army.

''The final battle... to the death.'' Dre hissed, as he mocked her. ''You could always end this and be my queen YN...'' YN hissed. ''Never.'' He snorted. ''Fine! You want to die? Then let it happen.'' He screamed Charge, as the army charged foward with him.

Link and their army charged over the horizon, as he screamed YN. The creature spun, ''Link...' She whispered, as they all charged foward. Link lunged off of Epona, and shielded YN from all the monsters charging into battle with the Light army. 

Their eyes connected, as Link slammed his lips on to YN's.

''The darkness cannot control you. You control it. You can do this. I believe in you, we all do. I'll die with you. But we arent dying today YN...'' He whispered, as she looked at him. She screamed out, as she began to take control.

They all screamed, as monsters fell, along with light.Blood splashed every where with clangs of swords, and screams. ''Go help Impa!'' YN exclaimed as Link nodded, as quickly took to the side. ''Ill be right back YN!'' He shouted.

YN nodded with a soft tear.

Dre appraoched YN. ''Once again, we are face to face.'' He hissed. ''The warrior.'' He mocked.

''Let us end this.'' YN hissed, ''You and I, Dre. This is the end.'' 

''The end of you.'' Ge grinned, as they circled eachother, with sword in hand. 

The warr commenced around them, as the Light began to defeat the monsters, who began to perish from the light magic, cheers were errupting. 

Yet everything began to move slow once more, as Link looked up with a grin, he saw YN and Dre charging at eachother...

He widned his eyes and sprinted towards YN... 

Blood etched his brow, with tears, and a glint of a deranged man within them. He felt a power hed never felt... It was love.

Linney screamed out, as YN closed her eyes awaiting for the spear to impale her. Her magic would be free and would perish every monster.

Everyone looked, as it poured with rain, It wasn't YN the spear had impaled... it was Link...

YN widneed her eyes, and screamed out, as she cried, Dre smirked, ''Oops, again? What a shame...'' He laughed, as he lurked back into the battle. YN sat with Link's head on her lap, with their foreheads against eachothers...

Link caressed her cheek. ''YN...'' He coughed as YN cried her eyes out. ''Its not that bad...'' He coughed blood once again, as she protected him from the rain. 'Shhh... itll be okay...'' She whispered, in a croaked voice. ''SOMEONE HELP!'' She screamed, witht eh fairies and Linney and the angel running over. ''I always said - '' He coughed. ''ID use.. my last breathe... to say.... I- I love... you...'' 

Link caressed her cheek once more, as his body went limp. The last thing he saw was YN screaming, the rain coating her hair... She transformed to a brighter light instead of a monster... The goddess in her was coming out. 

He saw her tears... then it all went black.


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