Chapter 10

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I-I can't look at him properly. He reminds me too much of the past. It still hurts. Loosing him, made me realise how weak I was. However, I can't lose him again. But, I need to know. I need to know it's him. How?

''Link. I need to speak to you.'' YN muttered softly, as he stirred and sat up with a drowsey appearance to himself. ''Okay.'' Link nodded, this was the first they were actually going to be alone...

''I know parts. But... can I please know, the whole story...?'' He murmured softly, as YN nodded, she took in a deep breathe. ''I know... he has shown you, what happened in war. I'll explain it all now...'''

YN took in another breathe, as she scrunched her eyes tightly. Her eyes rested on the floor... as her lips moved...

'Before the war. I met him. We - We fell inlove, and then 500 years ago. We were in battle against... against, the King of evil, Dre. The beast. He over took our humble kingdom, the kindgom now known as Reven, a place of evil and sinister. Light does not touch. He took the darkness from the dark realm, from Midna's people. He destroyed the royal family, except for one. Whose long gone. That girl no longer exists, and his creatures were killing everything... and then... it was the final abttle.'' She hissed softly, as Link listened.

''We went in. I faced Dre. He went to pierce my heart with shadow... and he took the killing. He died saving me. And loosing... him. Destroyed me. Anger, and hatred over took. Light blinded me and vanquished Dre, he lost his powers. But remained in the kingdom. We won. But he died. Since then... Hylia, kept me immortal until I found him again. My powers are weak, without him. Without his love. He wasn't only the hero of time, he was my hero.'' 

YN stated softly. 

What about this princess? Where was she? lost? Him, was me? 

''What about us?'' Link spilled out his words.

''Us? We grew up together. Rusl cared for me. He took me in because Hylia showed him and all of Ordon what I am.'' What I am? W-What is she...?

''W-'' He was soon cut off by YN.

''And, you befriended me. We went to the spring together, we did everything together. Then when we were ten... I-I had to leave you. We were attacked. I transformed infront  of you and your memories were wiped by my request, until I found you. Now? Ganondorf has arisen and took of the dark realm under the power of Dre. Dre is getting stronger. We have to deafeat Ganondorf as he wants to take over Hyrule. and then finnish the final battle.''

Link gulped softly, as he nodded. ''D-Does... that mean, I'm-''

YN held a angry, face as tears ran through her beautiful... Link! He cursed at himself, as she approached him. ''You arent him! No one is!'' She choked on sobs, ''You're someone to help me. I dont need you!'' She hissed,

Link fought back a few tears of his own, as he looked to her. This was his bestfriend.

''Please... YN, you are my bestfriend...'' He murmured, as she sighed.

''We need to start going.'' 

YN stalked off ahead, as Midna came to his side. ''She never shows emotion anymore. Please bring her back, Link. You are him. You are his decandant. I'm not asking for you to fall for her. Im asking you to save her Link, before shes gone forever.''

Link looked to her.

It was going to be hard... but... he knew, when he looked at her. Past the broken, was a strong, beautiful girl who had the world in her hands. That girl saved him.

Now it was his turn to save her. 

She didnt need a knight. She needed him.

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