Chapter 11

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They soon arrived to Ordon village, killing beats along the way.

Link walked beside YN.

''I remmeber, we carved our name into the stump pf my house.'' He smiled, as YN smiled lightly at the memory, but soon hid the smile.

''Same here.'' She stated softly, as she remembered his company.

''YN, I've been meaning...''

''YN!'' Two voices screamed in unusion. Link looked slightly confused as he saw a man and woman scream and run at YN. ''Rain! Storm!'' She yelled back.

''It's been about what? 400 years now?!'' The yelled in laughter, and the three hugged. Star quirked her brow... ''You- You found him? and Midna?!'' She exlcaimed.

''Its Link!'' They grinned. As he tilted his head. ''Oh right... Hi, Im Star and this is Storm, my brother. We are the protectors, guards of the goddesses. Not angels!'' The tow grinned.

''We were at the  battle with YN. We are here to help!'' The two laughed once again, as the duo all climbed into Link's house. 

''This is where we all stop. I have a plan.'' YN called out, as she laid a map out, 

''There are six dungeons we need the pieces from. So, we are going to split up. I shall go with Link. Star and Storm, Midna shall go alone as she knows what to do. And...'' YN held a dark smirk to her lips, as the door swung open. To be greeted by a woman in her 40's, along with two other people. ''Linney! Long time no see, Deranged, and Fang! Great to see you both''.

YN laughed. ''The two demons, also were at my side in the battle. and Linney, is like a mother to me. They know whats been happening, thanks to Midna.'' She nodded as the three joined them.

''Okay. Linney shall also go in alone, and remember, whistle for contact. Okay?''

Everyone nodded.

''Star, Storm you guys take Snowpeak. Midna take forest temple, Deranged, you take lakebed temple, Fang if you may take the goron mines. Linney you take Artiberts land. Once finnished, please remember to meet at the city in the sky and complete it togehter. Link and I will go to the secret grove, but we will be late.'' She stated, as everyone nodded.

Link rose his brow. ''Why?''

''We have to help the goddesses find their light, help zora's domain, complete the dungeon, find the kids, and also, everyone shall meet at our the secret spring.''

YN called out, as everyone nodded.

''For now... rest, eat, and we leave at dawn.''

No one dared argue with the warrior... but was that all that was to her? Link thought, 

''Hello Link, Im Linney.'' She smiled, as he smiled back.

''Hello.'' He grinned.

''I'm so glad shes found you again...'

The two spoke in quiet, as everyone ate, cleaned their weapons, spoke about the plan, and so on. Link glanced to YN.

She glanced back.

Their eyes connected.

Would they ever fall inlove again... or would they forever be strangers to their true destiny? 

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