Chapter 25

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Link was rather dazed, as the crowd slowly faltered away... ''Midna?'' He asked questiongly as everyone that adored YN surrounded eachother. ''She's finally back...'' 

They whispered amongst themseleves, as cheers erupted. ''SHES BACK!'' They cried out with enthsuiasm. Giving Link a pat on the back. ''You brought her back... thank you.'' Midna smiled softly. 

''The celebration in your's and hers arrival is in half an hour. Go sort youself boy.'' Russle called out with a hearty cheer, as Link held a faint blush and rushed off to the room... he was sharing with YN.. Oh Ordona...


YN was not found in the room. However, a fresh pair of his exact same outfit (Green hero tunic) was set out. He changed into the clothes, as he checked his breathe, and fixed his hat. He picked up a rose from outside the little hut. ''This will be interesting...''

Everyone gathered to the doo. Everyone looked wonderful. Children were in more formal wear, and everyone was dressed up. Girls in dresses, boys in more formal wear. Yet no sign of YN...

''Looking for her?'' Fang grinned as the demon sat beside Link. ''She always looks so hot.'' He smirked, as Link shot a glare at him. ''Chill. I know shes yours.'' Fang grinned, as he glanced over... ''Speaking of hot stuff... heres she comes... Go get her lover boy.'' He chuckled, as Link rolled his eyes and looked over in YN's direction...

She did look hot... Link's mouth hung open, as he could not take his eyes off her... 

YN was wearing her swade, leather lace up boots to her knee, a black dress which went down to her mid thigh, with a cut off down the side and which was skin tight and rather lacey around the cleavage area, along with her hair down which fitted her eyes perfectly.

Link gulped as YN strode towards him. Everyone stared at her. The guys were drooling, even Russle snuck a look at her. Midna smirked. ''I made the dress.'' She giggled.

As YN held a soft smirk. ''Cat got your tongue?'' Link stammered softly, as he gulped once more and could only stare at how stunning she was. She was practically glowing, and had an aurora of beauty lining her every movement, and a scent of roses. 

However... He was rather jealous of everyone being able to see apart of her cleavage... He wanted too see- Woah!His eyes stared at her cleavage and between her face. ''Eyes are up here Link.'' She grinned as he blushed. ''Th-These are for you...'' He murmured softly as he handed her the roses... This was to be an interesting night.

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