Chapter 12

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Would they ever fall inlove again, or forever stay strangers to their true destiny?


YN rounded everyone up, as she gave out the orders. You could hear the leadership and courage in her voice, and you could see the determination plastered to her expression, but her face still held a beautiful aurora in his eyes.

''Everyone, please be safe. I want you all at my side, for the final battle. I want you all alive, and now, for a farewell for the next week. I wish you all luck. Safe journey my friends.''

YN spoke out, as everyone took the necessities; rupees, their weapons, potions, food and took off.

She forbird each a goodbye, first Linney, who soon took off on her horse into the woodland, followed by Star and Storm who flew off. Then Deranged, who vanished from the door, and then Fang who also vanished. Then Midna, ''Please, make sure their all safe.''

YN murmured, as Midna giggled and jumped through her portal.

''Now for us.''

She muttered in reply to me, ''O-h Oh. Okay, let's get going then. Where are we starting?'' He questioned as YN narrowed her brow.

''With the Secret temple.''

YN spoke once more, as she mounted her stallion, who snorted. A muscular build, black and a rather large, bulky horse. He looked... rather, menacing? Link sighed softly, as he mounted Epona.

The two took off.

Dear Farore, please...


Link sighed softly as Linney spoke to him.

''Just give her time. She never use to be as cold hearted as this. She will be her again soon. YN... is a special girl, and we all know she will return again. She needs you help. But for now... just give her time.''

The old lady chuckled softly, as Link nodded, with his eyes never leaving her.


It had been about an hours journey.

They finally arrived at the secret grove, they dismounted, in silence once again.

Until... YN spoke out. ''We will have a half an hour break, and get moving.'' She stated to him, as the silence fell upon them again. Link had tried many ways to speak to her. But it was impossible, she had a wall high around her.

She was broken, but he knew he could fix her. Even if it wasnt inlove but friendship.

YN began to softly hum a song... a familiar one, in that being. Link, began to sum the same tune.

This drawer in YN'd attention....

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