Chapter 22

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The two raced against the wind, as they were side by side, dust flew up behind them, as their fun was soon spoilt by the sound of a horn being blown...

''Did you hear that?'' YN shouted out, over the thundering hooves of the horses. Link's grin fell, as he saw goblins on their pigs, racing towards them. ''ITS THE BULBINS!'' He hissed, as YN's face grew blunt. She clicked her hands, and neck. ''You take that one, I'll take these two. You're still recovering.''

YN yelled, before Link could object, she was gone. He cussed, as he shot a arrow into the head of the bulbin rider, the pig ran off, as the other bulbin fell, Link sliced his sword through its neck, before it had time to react.

He looked to YN, who had six bulbins around her, Arrow was loose, as he kicked one Bulbin, and reared and stamped on its head. YN had a twisted smirk on her lips, as she pulled out her two swords, and spun attacked, she lunged into the air as her swords shone light and plumeted them into the ground, killing the five bulbins. Arrow ran to her, where she grabbed the saddle and flung herself up.

Link watched. Gob smacked... They were the two bets swordsman in all of Hyrule.

He watched her expression falter from the twisted smirk she held, what was that about... the darkness inside her, was a little stronger than the light... dont let it consume her Link... show her more love.

Link gulped softly, as she approached him. ''Hey, you!'' She smiled, as he smiled back. ''Kariko's just round the corner.''

''O-Okay.'' He smiled, as they headed off towards the village. 

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