Chapter 2

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''I'll never let you go.''

Those five words. These exact five words, drove Link crazy. Where did he know these words? How did he know them? But, who was that girl in his dreams and thoughts all the time? Why couldn't he see her?

Link shrugged as he was greeted by Llia, shouting at his window. He knew she had a slight fancying towards him, but sadly, he hadnt returned these feelings to her. But, she seemed okay with it... ''I'm coming!'' Link yelled, as he sped out the door, and slammed it shut. He slid down the ladder, and grinned to her.

''Heyy!'' He laughed, as Llia giggled. ''Mornin' sleepy head! Jaggle wants you to round up the herd- oh and!'' Llia carried on, as Link was deep in thought about this mysterious girl...

''Link... what's on your mind?'' She asked quietly, as she studied his expression.

''Oh- Uh. Nothing. I- er. I- I need to go find Rusl!'' Limk exclaimed as he mounted Epona, who trotted off towards the Ordon spirit spring, leaving a confused Llia behind. ''O-okay! catch you later...'' She yelled...


Link spotted Rusl. Who was admiring the spring, Epona came to a halt, as she let Link off and began to play about in the water, under Odorna, the spirit of the springs, watch. 

''Rusl I need to speak to you!'' Link exclaimed breathless, as he sighed. ''Morning to you too. And, what about?'' Rusl grinned lightly as he faced Link.

''Well... recently, I've been having flashbacks. I dont understand. There's a girl in them. And, we come to the spring all the time. I can't see her though. I dont understand.'' Link scrambled out his words, as Rusl heaved a sigh.

''It is not my place to say, i am afraid Link. Ten years ago. At this spring... something happened. That's all I can say... it is not my choice to tell you...'' He murmured, as Link was about to question him. ''However! you have been chosen, by the mayor, to take a special gift to Hyrule castle! a sword, actually.'' Rusl grinned. 

''Now, you must leave early tommorow. Meet me in about half an hour, at the mayor's. And dont worry about the herd, I did them this morning.'' Rusl smiled and walked off.

Leaving a confused Link... who was soon, hit.

A brihgt light hit him, as he was greeted by the spirit, Odorna. ''You... Link, are seeing her once more. She is alive. Breathing. Searching for you... It will all make sense, when you two find one and other... Soon, you will remember... For now... i may grant you what you should know... you shall know her face...''

Link was paralysed, as the image of a beautiful girl, his age, about 20, with silky, soft (h/l) (h/c) hair, and deep, gorgeous (E/c) eyes. With her hair fitting her face perfectly, along her wonderful (s/c) skin. Her lips, were plump and soft looking. As she had an innocent aurora to her. Kind, and sweet. It hit him. Something... felt right.

He was soon dropped, as he looked around dazed. ''W-What on earth...''


Link was still slightly freaked about his encounter at the lake, as he and Epona rode into town. He slipped frm the saddle, as he was approached by Rusl and the mayor. 

''Take the sword tommorow morning.'' Bo grinned. ''Make a good impression!'' He laughed too, as Llia kicked off.

''You hurt Epona! worked ehr too hard!'' She yelled, as took Epona away.

''How could you!''

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