Chapter 33: Killing Me Softly-Part 2

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, Jones and Marie arrived at the comic book shop and they started to look around until Marie found a torn piece of paper in the middle of the freakishly tidy shop. Marie then picked the paper back together until it was whole again and with one look at it, Jones and Marie saw that it was a poster of their victim, but it was defaced. With one look at the defaced poster, the two officers knew that someone held a deep, personal grudge with their victim. Just then, Marie saw the shop owner come out of the back room and she suggested that they talk to him about the poster and his computer users.

Once they were in front of the shop owner, Jones showed him the poster and asked, "Mr. Parker, do you know who might've left this torn and defaced poster of Olly in your shop?"

Kevin Parker started to sweat when he saw the poster and he also started to stutter out nonsense, but then he sighed out heavily and gave up. He then said to the two officers, "I give up and I confess! It was I the purveyor of fine comics and exquisite superhero apparel who killed Olly's poster! I simply adored Olly Oliver and I wanted him to sign this limited edition poster at the concert. But that snooty hipster plainly refused to give me an autograph! He mocked me and called me a sad old geek! I was heartbroken! After the concert, I came back here to drown my sorrows with a few martinis and I unleashed my wrath on the poster! Now if you don't mind..."

Just as Kevin was about to turn and leave, Marie stopped him and said, "Not so fast Mr. Parker! I also need the names of all your recent computer users. It's really crucial importance in our investigation into Olly's murder."

Kevin snorted and said with his arms crossed, "I never keep records of my free access computer users. This isn't one of your big brother surveillance zones you know!"

After Kevin left to go in the back room, Jones made a weirded out face and thought, this investigation us getting weirder and weirder. Just then, Jones' phone started to ring and he when he answered it, Chief King shouted on the other end, "Jones! Have you solved the murder of that pesky hipster yet?! The paparazzi are camped outside of the station and I'm starting to lose my cool!"

Jones sighed deeply and said, "Not yet chief! But I'm sure Marie and I will have it solved real soon. We already know that our victim was poisoned by a fellow musician."

Suddenly, Jones flinched when he heard the chief's fist slam down in his desk and King roared out, "I know that! But I want to know is how the killer administer the poison? It just didn't materialize in your victim's body by magic!"

Getting nervous, Jones sputtered out that he knew and he was just talking about it with Marie and when he looked around the shop he saw she was flipping through a manga and he sputtered out that Marie was waiting for him and then he hung up quickly. After Jones hung up, Marie put the book away and she asked, "That bad huh?"

"Damn it Marie! We better return to the concert hall and figure out how the killer poisoned Olly. The chief wants all the gory details asap," Jones said while he was shaking nervously and soon he grabbed Marie's hand and pulled her out the shop in a hurry so they could head back to the concert hall.

As soon as they returned to the crime scene, Marie and Jones looked around until Marie found a knife that the killer must've used to remove the drum skin before they arranged Olly in the drum frame. She then bagged the knife hoping that the killer left them a little souvenir on it. Marie also found some shards of broken glass and she bagged them too hoping to see what they were and while she was doing that Jones called out, "If you figure out where those shards came from Marie, the next donut is on me!" And Marie smirked and thought, deal!

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