[06] Vibrating Tables And The Worst Luck

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              Pika! My phone yelled.

              'Oh my bloody God.' I glared at the phone. Did it not understand I was trying to study? It kept making Pikachu noises, like every two minutes!

              I should probably put it on silent...

              ...but then I'll see how many new messages I have...

              ...and won't be able to resist answering them.

              'Jesus, nobody except Supervisor and Des has my number anyway.' I scowled, rolling off my bed and grabbing my phone.

              24 New Messages!

              'What the...' I scrolled through them.



              I know you are reading this.

              Respond, Alex.

              You know you want too.



              C'mon, don't leave me hanging.


              'Fu...ck.' I exclaimed, still scrolling. Whoever this was had issues. I checked the ID of the caller.

              Unknown Number.

              I quickly text back, intending to put this random stalker in his/her place and get back to studying and the non-existent homework I had been assigned.

              Who are you and what do you want?

              Within two milliseconds I had a response.


              I ignored that. This idiot had massive issues if he/she thought I was going to waste my credit on him/her.

              I turned the notification sound on my phone off, leaping back onto my bed with one last dirty look in its direction.

              Next thing I knew, I was watching my bedside table vibrate loudly across the floor. My eyes widened in disbelief. Who knew tables could move across the room? I could already see it...

              ...One moving bedside table! Only five hundred dollars!

              That'd be a hit.

              Admittedly, it only moved a few inches, but that was a helluva lot when it's supposed to be an inanimate object.

              I narrowed my eyes. Whatever game this ass was trying to play...

              Crawling to the side of my bed again, I stopped the voyaging table with my hand. It immediately started to vibrate against my fingers, and I plucked the phone off the table and answered the call.

              'Princess!' A cheery voice called through the speaker, and I had to move it away from my face so my ear didn't start bleeding.

Objective: Ouran Academy ♔ OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now