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I perched in the tree, enjoying the soft wind blowing my hair. The pages of my text book fluttered as I finished pages and pages of math methodically.

"Aleeeeex!" A voice sung from below.

I sighed. This objective was turning into some freak-nightmare.

"What the hell do you want now?" I groaned, dropping down to hang upside down from my knees on my branch. Tamaki’s eyes appeared upside down—again—too close to my own.

"Tamaki! Personal space!" I growled before dropping to the ground like a ninja, ready to rip into him with harsh words rather than hands.

"Hey, that was your own fault that time—not mine!" He whimpered, looking hurt as I tried to loom over the taller boy. ‘Why don’t you like me?’

I paused for a moment, considering his words before shaking my head to clear it.

"Ha, I never said I didn’t like you—" I fixed my ponytail with a hand as I stared him down, "—You just inferred that I did."

"So you like me?!" He assumed happily, and began to throw his arms around me, but thought better of it and dropped them to his sides.

Silence hung heavy for a few moments, but he reminded me suspiciously of a puppy wagging his tail expectantly.

"Well?" I asked impatiently after a moment. "What do you want?"

"Can I host for you?" His puppy eyes grew even bigger, his sookiness almost breaking the laws of physics. And I didn’t know how long lunchbreaks were, but this one was certainly taking ages. Enough for him to 'Host', by the looks of things.

"Host?" I mimicked, my brain rapidly leaping to the conclusion of empty rooms and easy kidnappings.

"Here—I’ll show you!" He grabbed my hand, and propelled me over to his picnic towel forcefully, surprisingly strong in his grip.

And, well, so much for getting used to not touching me.

"Sit," Tamaki ordered, so I sprawled across silky fabric, watching the clouds. I was still out in the open, so I was in no position to apprehend the target. So, I may as well captitalize on the comfort Tamaki was so naively offering.

Screw sitting — why sit when you could nap?

"Cross your legs, silly. Princesses sit with their legs together." He nudged my shin with his boot.

"Do I look like a princess to you? And besides —I’m comfy here." I mumbled, my eyes drooping almost immediately.

"Hey, don’t go to sleep!" Tamaki cried. "Haruhi, Haruhi! What do I do, she's going to sleep!?"

"Wow, it almost sounds like you're dealing with an unnatural phenomenon," was Haruhi’s dry reply as he appeared above me, leaning over into my bleary line of sight. "And senpai, the other girls are going to be here soon. You need to finish getting ready, rather than entertaining and guest who doesn't want to be entertained."

"But just quickly! Quickly!" Tamaki begged.

Haruhi sighed, and rearranged his kimono. "Alex."

"What?" I groaned without cracking open an eye. "I didn’t do anything..."

"You may want to pay attention, or he’ll go sulk in a corner until you appease him." Haruhi scoffed and turned away again. "And if he does that, the girls will be disappointed. And if they're disappointed..." He ambled away, muttering something about black-hearted treasurers and debts.

"You know what, Tamaki?" I asked sleepily.

"What is it, my Princess?" He answered exuberantly, rapidly pouring tea and gathering sweets in a race against my sleepiness.

Objective: Ouran Academy ♔ OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now