♔ 04 ♔

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Can people see my abs in this shirt? I wondered as I picked lint off my black long-sleeve. That shitty doctor had made sure I hadn't escaped the clinic unscathed - holding me down bodily as he wrapped me in a corset of bandages. So today, I was considerable less fashionable - and considerably more... skin-tight-able.

I turned to admire myself in one of the hallway's big, shiny windows, flexing on a backdrop of a fountain and serene gardens. Though I had a job to do, you could always take a second or two to appreciate the scenery. 

But it was a flickering reflection on the glass that caught my keen eye, and nearly made both of 'em roll out. Behind me, two irritating boys were making an appearance.

Pleas don't talk to - 

"The boss was really sad that you ran off like that yesterday, you know," A pair of voices interrupted my designated second for scenery-appreciation, and sent me into a foul mood immediately.

So, I ignored those shitty twins and tried to appreciate the naked baby peeing into a pond a little harder. 

"Oi, won't you - " One started again, but was cut off by the arrival of the other (slightly less irritating?) boy I met yesterday.

"You can ignore them all you want, but that doesn't change the fact they'll continue annoy you," Haruhi sighed as he joined us in the corridor momentarily, before continuing to walk. I turned around long enough just to fix the Hitachiins with a cold glare (which they just poked their tongues out at), before falling into step with the brown-haired Host.

Proving Haruhi quite the prophet, the redheads continued to chatter about this and that all the way to our first class. Suoh this, Hani that. Did you hear about -- no, I didn't fucking hear about it so please, for the love of God, shut up.

However, I was caught by surprise when we arrived at science labs, when a straight-faced Haruhi chose to join the set up at my table rather than where he usually worked.

Away from the twins.

I masked my calculating look with a raised an eyebrow, choosing to instead pull out a strawberry and cream floured lollipop than ask any questions. After all, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum had that covered for me, didn't they?

"Haruhi?! What are you doing?" Kaoru gasped, holding a hand to his heart outrageously. "That cuts deep..."

"Kaoru...please, let me make your cut better..." Hikaru cupped Kaoru's chin and bent as if for a kiss, and a chorus of girly squeals echoed throughout the room.

'Do you know that in the majority of countries, sexual relationships between family members is illegal?' I stated drily, pulling out a Snivy pen today.

Silenced threatened, but the twins leaned close to my desk. 'You know want it.' They whispered mischievously, their faces close to mine.



'What, that I want to hurl? Oh yes, please-somebody hand me a barf bag.' I rolled my eyes, holding my hand out in mock imitation of asking for a bag. When nobody seemed apparent to complete my request, I just popped the lollipop in my mouth and closed my eyes, rocking back on my chair. 'You could get arrested.'

And our science teacher chose exactly that moment to arrive, while I was getting imaginary steak knives thrown at me from every girl in the room. Or maybe they were machetes.

Objective: Ouran Academy ♔ OHSHCWhere stories live. Discover now