54. The Side Character (ACL)

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•Title: The Side Character
•Author: @_no_dream_is_too_big
•Genre: A Contagious Laugh

Reviewer: Corea Liebmann (Corea_Liebmann )

~On your cover:
The synopsis is funny! Was giggling in class as I read it. It's a little wordy and much of it could be condensed into your first chapter, but it's got me interested!!
The cover is pretty nice, plus there's  stickers of everything your story is involved in, which is definitely  something I'd click and you readers will too if they support those contests/movements/etc ^__^

~On your writing:
You have a compelling writing style but the dialogue is quite non-sequiturious. I get you're trying to capture the spunk of witty high school students but maybe consider toning down all of the random blurts, I found them a little hard to follow. This seems to be fixed by the second chapter which is pretty good, loved the character interactions in it! Third chapter also masters the character development, keep up that awesome work! Quite funny, I caught myself laughing a few times ;)

~On how well you broke those cliches:
Overall the story idea is pretty fresh;  you use cliches to base your characters upon (the "slut", good girl, brooding bad boy) but that's understandable given that your book is based upon turning high school cliches into a brand new idea, which is cool!

And the side character as the main character? Woah. 😝

I'd recommend to anyone who's a sucker for romantic subplots, quirky high school aged characters and a perfect example of a cliche turned fabulously original by an intriguing author!!

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