29. Interlaced (TS)

51 8 1

Title: Interlaced

Author: ReallyOjal

Genre: The Supernatural

Reviewed By: HerSpectre

Cover: The cover has all the sparks it needs for a vampire story. The electric blue color gives the feeling of supernaturalism. I like it.

Summary: The blurb is short, trimmed and has the details the book needs. I have no problems with the content. But does it sound non-cliche? Not entirely. The summary focuses on the typical teenager and her slowly gained vampire love. But the twist seems to be in the line where it says in her lies the key to change the Vampire Domain. And she has to trust her traitors for that. That sure catches interest.

Story: I am fairly impressed with your book till the eight chapters I've read. Actually, this is a good book with minimal grammatical mistakes. The prologue shows an extremely interesting part that will pique your attention. And that's where the book gets original. Not many books feature a less dramatic relationship between parents and children. Here, Victoria takes her parents for granted at places but overall she remains very plain with them. Surely a different way of handling such relationships. But this Victoria only changes a lot when her family faces the terrible turn of events. I was a bit piqued by her sudden feelings and emotions for her mom.

The book takes a turn when Vic meets Olivier. And that's very plain. It's simply a meeting for life which starts with a banter. But that's what we have read in most of the books, didn't we? I wanted some more peculiarities about Olivier. The trailer only gives me the hints that the book has an interesting plot.

And that's what will happen. I'm sure. The book has a very slow narrative with usual monotonous things.But gradually it starts exploring the other world and goes off to reach the exciting sections.

I would suggest you accelarate the pace a little in the first few chapters. The transitions were smooth and they helped the book to grow smoothly. Also, the character development needs an eye. Victoria's character is okay but Olivier and others need attention. I like the thoughts going on in Vic's head. They are different and shows her introvert nature in a humorous way. You surely have a book with good potential. And if the too plain parts are taken care of, it will be an exceptional piece of work. I also like your narration. It's smooth and meticulous mostly.

Rating: 8/10. I hope this review helps you. You have an almost flawless book up there with obvious cliches. But I will definitely recommend the book, for it shows the thin line between the natural and the supernatural. And also, a real teenage life through Victoria. The teenagers out there will feel themselves like Victoria and end up loving the book.

Happy Writing! :-)

P.S- I'm really sorry for the big delay. It's pretty unprofessional. But I got very busy with an exam and then didn't get the chance to update it. Please excuse me for that dear! :)

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