38. Crimson Purifies (TU)

61 8 4

Title – Crimson Purifies

Author - @Kemandbooks

Genre – The Unknown

Reviewed by - 

The cover is both beautiful and sinister at the same time. The only thing that is missing here is the title of the book. I am sure addition of title will definitely make it an eye candy.

The story reminds me of the psychology that states that if someone becomes important enough to encourage and make you feel powerful, that person is actually your weakness.

I really adore the way the paragraphs of the story blend into each other to produce the glorious experience in a form of an out of the box story. Something no one comes across, unfortunately, that regular on Wattpad.

Talking about the plot- insane devotion to one or another does have a chaotic effect on the lives of the characters of this story. A remarkable story where you would keep musing who is hero and who is anti- hero till the climax. The story is full of symbols and really has a strong writing.

Readers are really going to gasp as they go further into this tale.

A tip to author- I would advise to proofread for any typos and punctuation errors.

The story is a must read for everyone and deserves 8.5/10.

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