15. Pages of Alice (TU)

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Title: Pages of Alice

Author: Booksforlife4901

Genre: The Unknown

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I found Pages of Alice to be holding quite a great potential in encompassing and sticking the readers to its world.  So, my work here is to help you tie up all the loose ends in your story and shoot to the top enlist.

I want to make you quick–fix the word "pasted" in your blurb which should be 'past' as pasted is the inflection of paste. Another suggestion is to break the sentences as they are quite run on lines. While a very common note would be to keep your A/N at the end of the chapter. The quotes to be aired "-" and get rid of the chapter number and name in the body.

In Chapter 1, since the beginning, you created a lovely suspense, the kinds of – I personally adore to death. You hook your reader in by scruff of the neck and drag him into your world. Where readers like me become addicted doing all "Oh my God!" exclamations. Instead of making the protagonist shiver like a leaf. A cliché where readers skip reading generally. You, in fact make us gasp and feel her fears as if our own. We understand the cause of being paranoid and scared of sleeping altogether. Yes, we do now. WAMM! Cliché-busted.

Though, you need to keep an eye on tense shift (either keep it present or past altogether).

In Chapter 2, the phrase 'shadows danced across her face' sounds too repetitive. I would suggest to toy with it. Also the phrases similar to 'I would still end up', 'I don't want to witness the horrid crime', and 'I knew this would happen' turn out to be spoilers and take away all the fun.  The kill scene needs some brushing up.

Well, at the end of the chapter, the twist was so dynamic. I won't spoil what it was for readers. You know what I'm talking about *wink* So, refreshing to read.

In chapter 3, the statement, "Get out of one hell to have to go to another", gave me fits of giggle. Everyone can relate to it. The part where she is accustomed to bullying, made me practically go all mama bear.

The story has so much to enjoy and practically a candy made of ghost-floss and elements of mystery of spine-shiver.

I would recommend this book to all the mystery lovers who love pure horror.

This book deserves 8.5/10

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