12. The Golden Girl With No So Golden Past (TU)

91 7 3

Author: @Suhu13

Genre: The Unknown

Reviewed By: CodeScarlet

The Golden Girl With The Not So Golden Past has reached #27 in Mystery/Thriller! And that's no surprise considering how great it is! The title is clever and well thought out and the cover, even more so. Your story line is simple, yet interesting. After a chapter ends, I find myself with more questions than before!

I mainly liked all the videos and pictures at the top of the of the chapter, they really set the mood for your audience. Although, there were some grammar mistakes that need fixing, it's nothing big.

The only cliché I've found was in the very begging. Your main character lives in an all-too-perfect world. In the prologue, Nikki has already effortlessly arrested a criminal. She's also given a bit too much praise from her school and family. You should do some more character development with her and a few other people. Act as if you are meeting a new neighbor, but you are the one who chooses every detail about their life!

Overall, this book has earned my seven out of ten, a place on reading list, and hopefully an award in the future. I hope to see this series do big things! 。^‿^。

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