6. Opposite World (TO)

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Author: KingsWisdom


Genre: The Otherworldly

Cover and Title:

The cover is simplistic and overall appealing. While the title is not necessarily cliché, it's not particularly unique either. However, it's very relevant to the story. I particularly liked the first chapter name; "The Colourful Traveller." I think it would be more fitting if that was the title of your story—it's unique, fresh and strange, piquing the potential reader's interest even more. However, it's your call.

Overall Review

Let me just begin with the fact that this is one of the most cliché-free stories I've ever read. From the plot, to the concept of Folds and the power of Backwards—even your writing style is unique. It's simple, yet emotional, hooking the reader from the very beginning. You've also created whole new phrases that are enticing to read. Nowadays, the archetypal fantasy plot revolves around a "chosen one" usually destined to save the world. Opposite World, however, is more of an adventure, a journey, which is something pretty rare in modern literature and Wattpad itself. There's no well-defined problem—rather it's more about exploration. It almost reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.

It was also strange. When I realized Hannah was the pen, it was both a pleasant yet odd surprise. But that was only because I wasn't expecting it and it's not everyday when you find a pen that turns out to be a character themselves.

You even switched up the common nickname to "Niknak-Name," coupled with the palindromic meaning behind it especially clever (that being said, I should also give credit to your son who was the one who came up with the name).

The power of Backwards is a fascinating concept—that losses and "irreversible entities" meet and touch again in Folds is intriguing. It was a dash of science fiction which blended well with the remainder of fantastical elements. I particularly liked the curtain metaphor and the inside joke with Leo staring down at his own folds.

A minor side-note though; principle, in the context of a position at a school is spelled "principal." It was prevalent throughout your story so I thought I'd point it out.


While your story is definitely quirky and unique, I did detect some clichés, mainly pertaining to characters, particularly Hannah. In my mind, Hannah came off to me as a sweet, innocent little girl who doesn't want to stir up any trouble for Pop or Leo. Which is fine, I suppose, but it's cliché, which contrasts a bit with the remainder of your story. There were many instances when I wanted her to fight back—I wish she was a bit stronger, sassier, sarcastic. When Leo called her Fatso (even though she didn't fully grasp what he meant), I wanted her to contradict Leo, or at least be a little more vocal. Or, when she was stuck smelling Leo's feet, she should've spoken up.

She also seemed a bit faultless—albeit naive, which seemed a bit strange to me. I assumed she would be a little more mischievous.

Final Notes

All in all, I'd have to say this was a very enjoyable read. I'd like to see a little more out of Hannah, but other than that Opposite World was great. My heart goes out to Christopher Beets and wishing you the best of luck writing!

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