31. Last Christmas (MH)

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Book- Last Christmas
Author- @Spruce_Goose
Genre- Metaphor Heavy
Reviewed by - 

A beautiful present tucked between hands for readers on this Christmas.
Voila!! What else can you ask on this day of merry-go-lucky people celebrating the  holy spirit and soul of love, laughter, happiness and a sense of belonging.

The story encapsulates the theme of real Christmas. We are intrigued as to why the protagonist is so dead against the festival. The story is really sweet experience.

Readers are forced to take a pause and reconsider whether they are really into the spirit of Christmas or is it only a faux.

There are a little typos here and there which I would suggest to proofread. Though at some places the description becomes drag, example- whilst comparing the two seasons.

The character development has been well written. The story is a must read this vacation as readers are thrown into the world of Christmas celebration.

A tip to readers- Call it the enchanting magic of the festival or what but you really feel like having a mug of hot cocoa and read this story while you enjoy your sip.

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