5. The Makings of Evil (TO)

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Title: The Makings of Evil

Author: @_caleigh_

Genre: the otherworldly (TO)

Reviewed by: waitingforeighteen15


Lilliana has spent most of her life - ten years, to be exact - in the M.S.P. When she is finally rescued, normal life isn't what she thought it to be. Will she ever figure out her destiny and save the Order of The Wicked?

Things I liked:
I just love how you wrote this book - your descriptions are vivid and to the point, and your characters are very realistic.

My favorite scene is the opening scene, where Lilliana escapes from the cell. That particular scene was well-written and was enough to hook in a potential reader, like me. With every chapter, you gave your readers something to look forward to in the next chapter, and the climax of that was the deadly cliffhanger at the end of chapter five. Your pacing is just fine, as is the flow of your story.

Needs Work:

For someone who just escaped from a cell she'd been trapped in for ten years, Lilliana doesn't have that much of a struggle adapting. Even though she needed some help with minor things, it seemed a bit surreal. She was too familiar with colors, descriptions and things. For example, she assumed Dr. Gwen was taking her on an elevator. How did she know it for sure? She should've asked him to be sure.

Breaking cliches:

Your book broke the cliches in the following ways;

- It's refreshing to know that she's not the only 'chosen one'.

- You have a strong female MC who isn't dependent on anyone, and just keeps pushing, as seen in chapter one.

It didn't break the cliches in:

Andy. He's the usual badboy, and even though he's her trainer, the scene where they first met made me cringe. And why does he always smirk? He's the only cliche thing in your book so far.

Ending note: You have a wonderful book and although, your plot isn't exactly unique, you've done justice to it. There's just a few things to fix and you're good to go. I hope this was helpful.

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