19. Something From Behind (TU)

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Title: Something From Behind

Author :  siddhanthrao19

Genre : The Unknown

Reviewed by : CodeScarlet

General Fiction is such an underrated genre on Wattpad. Authors work just as hard to get their chapters to perfection and their characters, even more so. But I can tell this book is going places! With it's cliff hangers and inspiring cover, it most definitely deserves a spot on your library. It's too early into the books to tell if there's any clichés or if you broke any but so far, so good!

I also like the diversity of your characters, how the story takes place somewhere other than America. We need more stories like this one in our fiction.

Something you can do to improve your writing is shortening your chapters. I find it hard to get through long chapters where characters describe their entire day. It's like throwing a bunch of important information at your audience in thirty seconds. You wouldn't believe how many times I've read an entire chapter and had no idea what was happening. Simply make your chapters shorter and don't give too much information at the same time. Explain it to them slowly throughout the book.

I can tell you revise and edit a lot. Its hard to find grammar mistakes in your book. But some of it could use work. Although it's okay to tell instead of show it every now and then, it's stars to become dull after being overused. Instead of writing "I decided..." You could say, "My mind struggled for an answer but in the end, I knew the pizza would taste better." Easy!

My rating for this book is of course, a seven out ten! I hope this review proves to be of good advice and help. And don't ever stop writing! It's a shame to see true talent go to waste.

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