48. Not So Innocent (TO)

60 5 5

Title: Not So Innocent
By: @ShadowSpinner600
Reviewed By: @CodeScarlet
Genre: The Otherworldly

Not So Innocent was a hit from the beginning. The description defined every aspect of the story perfectly and the cover was misleading in a very good way. If I was just an average reader, I would've found it, read it and kept reading. But since I can't stay committed to anything, this lovely review will have to do.

The writing style is definitely something to notice; lively imagery and vivid metaphors.
I like how the narrator often focuses on the psychology and inner thoughts of the characters. It shows well character development and helps readers to understand them better. Zero to none grammar mistakes can be found. The amount of editing and planning goes a long way!

There are only a few errors that I have spotted. Nothing big although. Gradually, the chapters get shorter as you continue to read but the first few were very long. Shortening the chapter length helps readers to stay intrigued and also brings in more reads!

In addition, the pace seems a bit quick. So much has happened by the fifth chapter, it can be a bit hard to keep up. I recommend adding more details to the story - like when Alexa ( Adelaide ) sentenced Adelaide ( Alexa ) to death. More details here would be much appreciated! ;)

In the prologue, Alexa easily stole the advanced spell book for her grand plan. Even though the escape was realistic, I feel that there should been more of a challenge to her larceny. That would have also provided more momentum. But you have broken clichés in more ways than one! Alexa shows strong leadership and has an antagonist role in the story, compared to the usual 'protagonist as the main character'. I haven't read too many stories were a girl tries take over an entire kingdom. Your plot line has it's own speciality.

This book receives a whopping 9/10 stars from me! Overall, it has been a pleasure to read and I know that it has and will be the same for many others.

Not So Innocent puts a new twist on a classic. Mixed with dark magic and fantasy, the story of Alexa is bound to bring your mouth to the floor and your heart to pieces. This is something you don't want to miss out on.

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