34. How To Fake A Love Story (ACL)

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Aurthor: angelicdevil09

Reviewer: HayleyMonroe

Ten second takeaway:

How To Fake a Love story by @angelicdevil09 is a lighthearted comic fiction about Ryan Grayson, a con artist. He usually targets young beautiful ladies with a lot of money to their name but later he’s faced with a challenge when he comes to know about all the wealth Jared Winston; even though he has a female partner, Cierra, she can’t really do much since Jared is gay. How far will Ryan go to con Jared? You’ll have to read for yourself.

The good stuff:

So first off, I’d like to talk about the idea. I love the whole idea of writing from the perspective of a con artist. Cliche-ly, you’d read from the perspective of a victim so that really got me rooting for this story and its vast potential ever since the beginning.

Surprisingly, the story starts with the conman, Ryan realizing that he has been conned by conlady Cierra. (Wait, what?!) You heard it. Twenty points to Gryffindor for being that clever! Ryan and Cierra later decide that two are better than one and this marks the start of a friendship which every story needs. The two of them become partners in the con world and help each other find new targets.

As we delve deeper into the story, we experience a conman’s life through Ryan’s eyes; how he solely depends on his beautiful face, skills at story building and keeping up with lies, how he can’t really keep his appearance even slightly similar between two targets so to not get caught. We also get a glance at a scorned ex-victim when she recognizes him with a new target and exposes him before he can even get things started.

What’s really interesting and unique is that the story continues to surprise the hell out of you. It does things you’d definitely not expect it to do. Ryan faces a huge challenge to woo Jared Winston when he comes to know that the wealthy businessman is gay but no honey, he don’t shit that’s coming for him. You’ve got to find out what happens next on your own!

I’d have to say that @angelicdevil09’s writing skills bring all of that right in front of your eyes as if it were reality. Her witty comments and Ryan’s inner thoughts are sure to make to laugh. There were slight to no grammatical errors in the five chapters that I read. I suggest everyone to check out this story because dear lord, it’s un-put-down-able complete with cliffhangers and intriguing elements and obviously breaking cliché’s as it goes.


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