1 : Acknowledged

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Their school president is a weird one, to say the least.

He's a senior, who unbelievably enough, is able to keep his hair dyed within school grounds and his nails polished with pink tints without any problems from the headmaster whatsoever.

Usually he'd be found chilling by the cafeteria, eating anything sweet on the school menu for that day or be in the theatre watching the poorly put on shows by the sophomores.

He acts flamboyantly, not too much; he has a certain flair around him that causes him to look a little less manly than others, but he remains intimidating all the same. His courage wasn't meant to be challenged, as he's gone as far to punch a guy taller than him for calling a fellow classmate a 'faggot'.

But punching a dude hasn't been the pinnacle of the violence he's handled; their president's been through worse. Despite this, his somehow effeminate actions remain.

Due to the complexity of their school president, being his secretary is pretty hard work.

Just ask Namjoon.

"Jin." Namjoon deadpans as the man continues to leisurely file his nails, "Jin." He repeats, making sure to catch his attention this time.

Said man finally looks up at him with a smile, putting his file away with a clang on the desk.

"Oh hello." He greets courteously, "What brings you here Namjoon?" His voice is a drawl, a little teasing, but Namjoon ignores that in favor of slapping stacks of paper on his desk, surprising him a little.

"It's the list of activities students requested to do this school festival." He explains, tapping at the papers irately, "They need to be approved."

"Then approve everything." Jin surmises, as if it was the easiest thing to do. Namjoon gapes at him, shocked at his superior's suggestion. "What?" He exclaims, "That would be literal chaos."

Jin clicks his tongue and makes a show of winking at him before finger gunning, "But it'll be the good kind."

"No." Namjoon immediately interjects, "Bad. The worst. Terrible kind."

Jin sighs, running a hand through his pink hair. "I suppose we could oppose to some ideas."

Namjoon sighs in relief, "Thank you." Turning to walk away, happy that he didn't have to deal with any of Jin's antics-

"Split the papers in half and throw the other half away."

He spoke too soon.

"Jin." He mutters, exhaustion clear in his voice. Jin ignores this in favor of humming happily in question, prompting Namjoon to speak. "We need to actually read them." He says, pausing for a second, noticing his choice of words. "Wait, but that doesn't mean I-"

"You said we." Jin says quickly, catching Namjoon in mid-stutter. "Then you'll help me." He concludes with a grin, shuffling through the papers and waving half of it in the air. "Come now Joonie! We have papers to approve!" He exclaims ecstatically, chuckling as Namjoon gives him a sour look.

When Namjoon pulls up a chair to sit across him, Jin hands him the papers with a smile. "Isn't it nice? We're bonding!" He says with a hum, taking two red pens from the pencil holder right behind him. He gives one to Namjoon, who grunts in response as he begins to read the various requests written down in poor, hasty scribbles.

"Hm." Jin wonders out loud after a few minutes of silence, "Are nap cafes a good idea?"

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