*Chapter 33*

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Brendon's POV

I stood at Mia's front door, nervously clutching a bouquet of flowers in my left hand, and knocked on the door with my right. It was 7 'o' clock on the dot.

After about 30 seconds, and some clicking of heels, the door opened to reveal Mia who looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was in soft curls, her lips a deep shade of red, and her eyes bold and inviting.

I was at a loss for words, as indicated by her giggling at my gawking mouth and wide eyes. I blushed before saying,

"Wow, you look, wow." Great choice of words Brendon, would it kill you to throw in a couple more for fucks sake!!

"Thanks" she said, twiddling her thumbs and directing her eyes towards the flowers.

"Oh, um these are for you" I said, handing her the bouquet.

"Brendon, these are beautiful!" she said with a huge smile, inhaling the flowery scent.

"They're nothing compared to you."

Now that was cheesy. I don't care, it's the truth!

"Aww so cute!" Angie cooed from behind Mia, "Now leave before I throw up."

Mia placed the flowers on the hallway table and I extended my arm for her. She lightly grabbed onto it and stepped out of the house.

"Don't stay out too late!" Angie called.

"Yes Mum!" Mia called back, rolling her eyes.

I laughed lightly, a huge smile on my face.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked me.

"I'm just really happy." I admitted, leading her to my car.

She smiled in return, "I am too."

Mia's POV

We approached the passenger side of Brendon's car. He opened and held the door for me, closing it softly once I was inside.

He walked around the front of the car to the drivers side before opening and closing his door.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise" he said before buckling up his seat belt and reversing out the driveway.


After about a 20-minute drive, we were pulling into a valet car park.

"Ooo valet, very fancy!" I said, never having used a valet service before.

"Well I wanted to make a good impression now didn't I?" Brendon replied with another smile.

"Good impressions have gone out the window for you I'm afraid." I joked.

"Well I guess I will be dining by myself tonight."

"I'm kidding!"

We laughed before Brendon got out of the car, opening my door once more before handing his keys to the valet boy (idk what they're called aha) and leading me into the restaurant.

I didn't catch the name of the place, the cursive name almost illegible, but it sure as hell looked expensive.

We walked towards the service desk, where a middle-aged woman, neatly dressed in a pencil skirt and a blouse, hair tied up in a tight bun, stood and asked,


"Yes, for two, under Urie," Brendon said politely.

She looked down at the book before looking up and saying, "Right this way."

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें