*Chapter 36*

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Mia's POV

"Good night!" I called down to my parents. They had just gone to bed, so it was now time for Angie and I to head off to the party. Brendon had already left, as he was actually invited and not crashing.

As you may have guessed, Angie and I were not only crashing this party, we were sneaking out to do so. I know, we're horrible but we're teenagers!

I must admit, I've never snuck out before, so this was going to be interesting.

"So how exactly are we doing this?" Angie asked, taking off her dressing gown to reveal her party attire. She was wearing a beige satin crop top with back, high-waisted, and high cut shorts, and black heels.

"Well we can leave through the front door, because that's reasonably quiet, but from there we will have to walk as taking your car would be too noisy. Not to mention, you wouldn't be able to drink." I said, shooting her a wink.

"We have to walk?" she asked, somewhat shocked.

"It's only a few blocks away, honestly it's not far," I reassured her.

"Ok, then what?" she pressed.

"Let's just get out of the house first."

I stripped of my own dressing gown, revealing my outfit of choice, a navy-blue playsuit and black heels.

"Maybe we should take our shoes off for the sneaking out part," Angie suggested, beginning to take off her shoes.

"Good idea," I agreed with her, taking my own shoes off.

We had both opted for our natural hair styles, to avoid any parental suspicion, and Angie did our make-up to make us 'party appropriate'.

"Ok, let's go," I said, grabbing my phone and turning off my bedroom light.

We snuck downstairs and out the front of the house without any issues. We waited until we were at the top of my street before putting our shoes back on and continuing our journey to Katrina's.

After about 10 minutes, we found ourselves out the front of Katrina's house. It was a definitely a large house, music was raging and coloured lights could be seen spilling out of the curtain gaps.

"So what now?" Angie asked, placing a hand on her hip.

I should remind you that Katrina and I are indeed cousins, and we used to be best friends. This meant that I was very familiar with her house, including the location of her spare key.

It was about 11pm, so it was late enough for us to sneak in without being noticed by her (hopefully).

I led Angie to the front veranda, towards a small cluster plant pots. I turned over all the pots until I came across a piece of paper.

"What's that?" Angie whispered.

I led her to the other side of the veranda where one of those fake rocks was located, containing a miniature keypad. I entered the string of numbers on the paper and the rock opened, revealing a key.

"They couldn't just put the key in the flower pot?" Angie commented.

"They can't be too careful! Wouldn't want all their cheated money to be stolen now would they?"

I slid the key into the door, turning it and hearing a soft click. I returned the key and the note to their respective positions before turning the door knob and entering the house with Angie in tow.

The music became louder as we made our way through the front door and into the house. It was dimly lit, giving us more of a chance to not be noticed as we headed towards the main lounge.

It was bursting with people, clutching red plastic cups and beer bottles. Among those people, I spotted Brendon.

"Mia!" he called, making his way towards me, embracing me in a hug.

He was holding a bottle of beer in his hand.

"Hitting the drinks I see," I commented, indicating towards his choice of beverage.

"This is my only drink, I promise."

Angie and I continued to talk with Brendon until we were interrupted. The shrill voice was distinguishable over the loud music, making me feel slightly nauseous.

"How did you get in here?" she asked angrily, crossing her fake-tanned arms across her chest.

"Why does it matter?" I fired back, gaining some confidence.

"This is my party, and for you to come in uninvited-" she was cut off my Brendon.

"I invited them. I hope that's alright" he said, putting on his charming smile.

"Of-of course" she stuttered through gritted teeth before stomping off.

"Thanks," I said, looking up towards Brendon.

"You guys should go get some drinks, really join in on the party," Brendon suggested.

Angie and I nodded before heading off towards the kitchen to get our drinks.


After grabbing our drinks, we lost track of Brendon but decided to enjoy ourselves by dancing along with the other teenagers.

I then felt my phone buzz in my pocket, revealing a text from Brendon;

Meet me in the backyard in 10.

I blushed at the message and continued dancing for the remainder of the time.

Soon enough, 10 minutes had passed and I made my way to where I remembered the backyard to be. I opened the sliding door, becoming slightly startled by the abruptness of the cold wind, before closing the door and stepping down the stairs.

I squinted my eyes whilst searching for Brendon in the dimly lit backyard. There were far less people out here but still enough to cause slight confusion.

Then I spotted him, and my eyes began to well up. I saw Brendon, pushed up again the side of the house, locking lips with Katrina. I felt tears fall down my face, before turning around and storming off back into the house.

Is This Taboo? - Brendon Urie FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora